
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年01月27日 17:09   沪江英语



  1. That woman just checked you out. 那个美女正在挑逗地看着你呢。

  Yes, this helps his self-confidence. Butit also tells him that you just saw another woman looking at him andyou're not afraid to tell him. It shows that you're confident enough toknow that he won't be lured away by another gal。


  2. I love it when you [insert action]. 我喜欢你(做某事的样子)

  This is one that can benefit you as much as him. If you don't tell him what you like, he's just flying blind.In fact, if you haven't complimented him he might even think you don'tlike what he's doing. And of course, the more you tell him you love itwhen he scratches your lower back, the more he'll do it。

  这是一句让双方都开心的话。如果你不告诉他你喜欢他哪一点,他就不会知道。实际上,如果你不赞美他,他甚至可能觉得你不喜欢他正在做的事情。当然,你越是跟他说你喜欢他怎么做(比如搂着你的腰),他越是乐意这么做。3. I love your [insert body part] 我喜欢你的(某个身体部位)

  We're not gonna lie, one of the bestfill-in-the-blanks here is, "I love your you-know-what" (or whateverword you can say without laughing or blushing too much。) Men want toknow that you're attracted to what they have。


  4. You're right. 你是对的。

  We all like to be right, men included. Andyou know what? When he is right, it's nice to tell him, especially ifyou were arguing. Sure, it might make you feel a little sheepish, but it's worth it in the end. It'll make him feel good, and showing that you're a reasonable creature。


  5. Will you help me (unscrew this)? 你能帮我(拧开这个东西的螺丝)吗?

  Men like to feel manly. Helping women withsimple tasks makes them feel macho and noble. We're not saying youshould ask him to do things you can easily do yourself, but if you doneed assistance, it's a little ego-booster he'll be happy to accept。


  6. "You look great!" 你帅呆了!

  Men have insecurities,just like women. And whether he shows it or not, sometimes he'swondering if his shirt looks better tucked in or out, or if his bellyis sticking out a little too far over his belt. This is an especiallygood compliment if he's been going to the gym。


  7. "You're not going bald." 你头发总是那么多。

  About one-quarter of men start losingtheir hair at age 25 and two-thirds have begun balding by 60. Losinghis locks is one of a man's greatest fears. So even if he is getting abit naked up top, tell him he's not. It's the male equivalent of "Do these jeans make me look fat?" "No honey, of course not."



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