
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年01月27日 17:30   中国日报网英语点津

  One in ten British men have admitted using their partner's make-up, a survey claimed。

  Agrowing number of males admit to secretly dipping into the make-up bagowned by their female partner to help make them look beautiful。

  Tweezers were the most popular item that men borrowed, followed closely bymoisturiser while almost almost a third questioned admit to using atleast three of their partners' beauty products or gadgets。

  The latest research, involving a survey of 2000 people, found almost a third have borrowed their other halves' nail file or buffer。

  Just outside the top ten included hair straighteners, fake tan, nail varnish and eyeliner or mascara。

  Morethan a third of men questioned admitted to using these items in secret,despite 31 per cent of women claiming to have caught their partnerusing them。

  The average cost of beauty damage by men to the home equates to £249 each per year compared to £187 by women。

  The survey also highlighted regional differences。

  Almosthalf of women surveyed in the North East caught their partner usingtheir beauty products or gadgets compared to just over a fifth of womenin Wales。

  Almost a fifth of men questioned in the East Midlands admit to using their other halves' foundation or concealer compared to just 5 per cent of men from the West Midlands。

  Londonmen were the most secretive when it comes to borrowing and using theirpartners’ beauty products as only 42 per cent of those who use femalegrooming products, admit to openly using these items。

  JackyBrown, from an home insurance company, which commissioned the survey,said: "Whilst it's common knowledge that women enjoy pampering

  themselves at home and making the effort to look good using an array ofbeauty gadgets, lotions and potions, little did we know that men alsosecretly want to jump on the beauty bandwagon."

  Top ten beauty products and appliances that men borrow are:

  1. Tweezers (39 per cent);

  2. Moisturiser (37 per cent);

  3. Hair dryer (36 per cent);

  4. Nail file / buffer (29 per cent);

  5. Hair styling products (22 per cent);

  =5. Lip salve / lip gloss (22 per cent);

  7. Face mask / facial scrub (15 per cent);

  =7. Shaver (15 per cent);

  9. Concealer / foundation (10 per cent);

  10. Hair removal cream / wax (8 per cent)。














  1. 小镊子(39%)

  2. 润肤露(37%)

  3. 吹风机(36%)

  4. 指甲锉刀/指甲抛光条(29%)

  5. 头发定型产品(22%)

  6. 唇膏 / 唇彩(22%)

  7. 面膜 / 磨砂膏(15%)

  8. 剃毛器(15%)

  9. 遮瑕膏 / 粉底液(10%)

  10. 脱毛膏 / 脱毛蜡纸(8%)


  gadget: a small tool or device that does something useful 小器具

  nail file: a small metal tool with a rough surface for shaping the fingernails 指甲锉

  nail buffer: 指甲抛光条

  mascara: a substance that is put on eyelashes to make them look dark and thick 睫毛膏

  foundation: a skin-coloured cream that is put on the face underneath other make-up (化妆打底用的)粉底霜

  concealer: a type of makeup used to mask pimples, dark circles and other small blemishes visible on the skin 遮瑕膏

  pamper: to take care of somebody very well and make them feel as comfortable as possible 精心护理

  jump on the bandwagon:趋炎附势


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