
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年01月28日 16:31   中国日报网英语点津
苏珊大妈为海地献声 寓所遭陌生人私闯
苏珊大妈为海地献声 寓所遭陌生人私闯

  Singing sensation Susan Boyle said Wednesday that she felt fine despite a break-in by a teenager at her home in Scotland, British media reported。

  Boyle, who shot to international stardom on the back of her appearance on a TV talent show last spring, saw a youth run out from her home in the small Scottish village of Blackburn as she returned Tuesday night from recording a charity single for Haiti, The Sun tabloid said。

  The singer appeared calm Wednesday, smiling and giving the thumbs-up to well-wishers outside her house。

  "I'm fine. It's in the hands of the police now," she told Britain's Press Association。

  Localpolice said they were called to Blackburn Tuesday night "following reports of a disturbance." They said an unidentified 16-year-old boywas detained and but has since been released。

  Boyle,48, became an international sensation after a clip of her singing "I Dreamed a Dream" on "Britain's Got Talent" spread online and received more than 120 million views on YouTube. She released one of the year'stop-selling albums in November。








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