
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年02月09日 11:14   环球网

  A provincial government in Russia has taken strict measures to enforce what civil servants are permitted to wear。

  According to a report Friday by the New Izvestia newspaper, the government of Ulyanovsk believes that some casual cloth-ing in the workplace, especially some female civil servants’ miniskirts and low-cut outfits that show the neck and shoul-ders, have severely hurt the government’s image。

  So the government wrote new dress codes for civil servants. For males, they must wear a suit with a different shirt everyday. They also have to shave and wear short hair, and no jewelry is permitted except for wedding rings。

  For females, strong perfume, fingernail art, over-exposing dresses, jeans and high-heels are forbidden. Plus, blouses should be secondary tint. Violators will be punished sharply or fired。

  Such regulations have aroused dissatisfaction among Ulyanovsk civil servants. One considered it an infringement on his human rights. "I have no money to buy anything new if my old clothes fail to meet the requirement," he said。

  A parliamentary lawmaker in Ulyanovsk named Gennady Budarin said, "Wearing jeans is not a big deal if it does no harm to work. What to wear is one’s personal preference."

  Professor Alexander Kruglikov at Ulyanovsk State University said, "There is no need to ask everyone to wear uniforms, and a proper dress should be fine. Wearing (low-cut outfits) to see the governor of the state is surely inappropriate. It is a matter of artistic appreciation."





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