红太狼(Red Wolf/Wolnie) 红太狼是灰太狼的老婆,总是身着红色长袍,缀有黑白的饰边。对于老公往往要求多多,并施以家庭暴力,动不动便以平底锅相向。 The wife of Grey Wolf, who dresses in a red robe with black and white trims. She is demanding and abusive towards her husband, hitting her husband with frying pans when his schemes fail。 小灰灰
小灰灰 (Little Grey) 小灰灰是灰太狼和红太狼的儿子,不常登场,但比他爷爷和太公登场机会多。他有一双大大的眼睛,喜欢 跟爸爸一起出去打猎,当然每次都失败而归。在电影版里面他总是很抢镜。 He is the son of Grey Wolf and Red Wolf and doesn't appear very often, though more often than Yellow Wolf and Black Wolf. He has two big eyes.He likes to go out hunting with his dad but gets lost all the time. He plays a large role in the latest movie, 牛气冲天。 焦太狼
焦太狼(Banana Wolf) 焦太狼温顺善良,个头很大却是素食主义者,不吃肉光吃香蕉。他和暖羊羊是好朋友,暖羊羊总是给他很多香蕉。 :He is a large, vegetarian wolf who eats bananas instead of meat. He has befriended Warm goat, who likes to provide him with bananas。 香太狼 (Little Red) 香太狼是灰太狼和红太狼的女儿,是小灰灰的姐姐。差一点她就嫁给焦太狼了,结果和婚礼上的牧师成婚,人家牧师暗恋她已久…… She is the daughter of Gray Wolf and Red Wolf and the sister of Little Grey. She gets close to marrying Banana Wolf, but ends up marrying the minister at the wedding, who was already in love with her。 黄太狼、黑太狼、武太狼
黄太狼(Yellow Wolf) 黄太狼是灰太狼的爷爷。 Grey Wolf's Grandfather。 黑太狼(Black Wolf) 黑太狼则是灰太狼的爹。 Grey Wolf's Father 武太狼 武太郎是狼族的祖先,是软绵绵的宿敌。 The ancestor of the wolf family. He was the rival with 软绵绵。
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