游戏推荐:《三国杀》陪你开开心心过春节   2010年02月18日 11:09   新浪教育




  The old-fashioned holiday reunions are characterized by karaoke, agroup dinner and some shopping. Feel the need for some fresh ideas?Well, there’s “Sanguosha”, a role-playing card game which has madeits way from school dorms to parties all over the country。


  The game was designed with the novel Romance of the Three Kingdomsin mind. As the name suggests, it’s set in the Three Kingdomsperiod, and participants take a role, from warrior to sage, in thatperiod. They are expected to use the special abilities they’regiven to kill or protect the king, to win. While some participantsenjoy the feeling of being a bad guy or of friends bonding, somefind its culture significant and find it a new hobby。


  This is a role playing card game, like mafia, and participants drawidentity cards at random and keep their identity secret. But itdiffers from mafia, in that there are more options: you can play a“loyalist” who defends the lord to the end to try to win; and thereare “rebels” who want to overthrow the king and kill him; thenthere’s the “treacherous” type, a sort of double-agent, weighingthe power of loyalist and rebel and gradually gathering enoughpower to eliminate all parties, even the king。


  Lu Xiaoyun’s oneof those people who enjoy hiding at first before ambushing both thegood and evil forces, ultimately, to destroy everyone。


  “It’s such an immoral thing to do in real life,” says Lu, a21-year-old international relation major at Remin University, “butit’s a game, so ambushing others after they’re too exhausted todefend against my attack, was every exciting. It’s funny to see thefaces of those cocky boys。”


  Students with different personalities show their own particularstyle. Cheng Jia, a 19-year-old economics major at Xi’an JiaotongUniversity, in fact thinks that the more complicated role-playinggames provide a chance to get to know the personalities of friendsbetter。


  One of Cheng’s neighbors in the next dorm room is an introvertedyoung man who hardly says anything most of the time. But in thegame, his strategy has gained him praise and he’s become morecomfortable in chatting with members of his peer group。


  Rather thanget addicted to the game, Lin Jiaji, a 21-year-old automation majorat Beijing Institute of Technology, prefers to look to the culturallevel。


  Lin wasso fascinated by the characters in the game that he wanted morebackground. The minute he finished the first chapter of The Romanceof the Three Kingdoms, he knew he’d found a treasure。


  He now thinks that there are somany resources in Chinese history that could be exploited to helpyoung people。


  And it’snot just the book. Lin now also watches the early version of the TVseries of The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, every day, and hasread other materials about the late Eastern Han period。


  “I feel a stronger attachment to the country’s history and culturenow,” he said. In reading all those books, he found that hiswriting had actually improved. Not only that. “My girlfriend saysthat when I talk about things and refer to classical examples fromhistory, she feels I’ve got great charisma,” he added。


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