
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年02月21日 10:52   环球网

  After more than a decade of a government-funded push for China to build world-class universities, the country is still struggling to reach global standards in education。

  A long-awaited draft blueprint on reforms will be released after the Chinese New Year holidays, with an overhaul of tertiary colleges a key focus。

  Even though Yale University President Richard Levin earlier this month praised Chinese investment in college education in the past decade as "staggering," Chinese scholars observed that more money has not translated into better schools。

  "In the past few years, China’s top universities have improved their outward ap-pearance," said analyst Xiong Bingqi of the 21st Century Education Research Institute. "They have expanded their campuses, enrolled more students, signed up more PhD candidates and produced more dissertations."

  As Prof Levin pointed out, the expansion of higher education in China is "faster than ever before in human history."

  But scholars in the country have taken pains to point out that going fast does not mean it is going well。

  In 1998, the government ordered a massive jump in the number of graduates, and intake has since increased by up to 30 percent year-on-year for much of the past decade. Annual enrolment leapt by an astonishing six times。

  New impressive campuses have been built, but student-faculty ratio has not kept pace, training facilities are inadequate, and colleges are grabbing as many students as possible simply to boost their revenues。

  More importantly, the Chinese economy is not prepared for this upsurge of graduates and a fifth of each cohort struggle to find jobs every year。

  Analysts blame the university administrators, who are more interested in political achievements than academic results。






  在过去10年的大多数年份里,大学入学人数的年增长幅度高达30%。新的漂亮校园一直在兴建,但学生与教职员工的比例并未同步,培养设施也不足,大学尽可能地招收更多的学生只是为了增加收入。更重要的是,中国经济并没为大学毕业生“井喷式”的增长做好准备,每年的毕业生中有1/5的人为找工作疲于奔命。分析人士批评大学管理人员,他们对政绩的兴趣要大于对学术成果的兴趣。(作者白胜晖(Peh Shing Huei),陈一译)


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