
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年02月21日 11:30   环球网


  误译:Too many commercial inserts at the CCTV New Year's Gala have been called in question。

  正译:Too much product placement at the CCTV New Year's Gala has been called in question。

  解释:commercial inserts 的意思是“插播广告”,指打断正常电视节目的播放而插入强迫观众看的广告,与“植入广告”是两码事。作为名词,“插播广告”也可以译为spot announcement。

  例如:1. 插播广告是在主要广播节目或电视节目之间呈现的。A commercial spot announcement is presented between major radio or television programs。作为动词,“插播广告”可以译为 to insert commercials。

  例如:2. 根据规定,电视台不得任意插播广告。According to the regulations, TV stations cannot insert commercials freely。

  “植入广告”指把产品及其服务具有代表性的视听品牌符号融入影视或舞台产品中,以求给观众留下印象,是一种营销手段。英语可以译为product placement。“植入广告”又称“植入式营销”,可以译为product placement marketing 或embedded marketing。

  例如:3. 植入广告是一种将产品融入电视节目、电影等传媒产品之中以进行宣传的广告形式。Product placement is a form of advertisement which incorporates a product into such a media product as a television programme or a film so as to publicize it。

  例如:4. 这位专家认为在新闻频道和儿童及青少年频道应该禁止植入式营销。The expert holds that embedded marketing should be prohibited in news channels and channels for children and young adults. 作为动词,“植入广告”可以译为 to embed a product。

  例如:5. 制造商成功地在一个电视节目的情节中植入广告,使其容易被人记住。The manufacturer succeeded in embedding the product in the plot of a TV show, making it memorable。



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