
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年02月21日 15:33   国际在线
凯蒂-霍尔姆斯( 方形脸)
凯蒂-霍尔姆斯( 方形脸)

  Katie Holmes (Square)

  For someone with an angular jaw like Katie Holmes, Softness is key. A rounder brow arch isneeded to soften the corners of the face and create less sharp angles.The end of the brow shouldn’t be too pointed, either, which would addanother sharp line to this face shape。

  凯蒂·霍尔姆斯( 方形脸)


瑞茜-威瑟斯彭( 心形脸)
瑞茜-威瑟斯彭( 心形脸)

  Reese Witherspoon (Heart)

  A heart-shape face like Reese Witherspoon’s looks best with astrong arch. Reese’s work because they are not too rounded, which wouldmake her face look fuller. The arch is strong and the brows are thecorrect thickness for her facial shape and brow-hair texture。

  瑞茜·威瑟斯彭( 心形脸)


凯特-赫德森( 圆形脸)
凯特-赫德森( 圆形脸)

  Kate Hudson (Round)

  The best brow for a round face shape is one that is as long aspossible – the wider the brow, the more surface it covers, making theface appear more narrow. It should also be straight and not too curvyto downplay the roundness of the face. Kate Hudson’s brows look greaton her face because the arch is correctly aligned with her brow bone and it’s not too thick or too thin and is shaped in a straight line。

  凯特·赫德森( 圆形脸)


碧昂丝( 鸭蛋脸)
碧昂丝( 鸭蛋脸)

  Beyonce (Oval)

  Ovals have a bit more freedomm when it comes to brow shape,but the best shape is one that follows the natural line of the browbone and is slightly thick, but well groomed. Beyonce’s brows are on the full side, which balances the amount of hair she has。

  碧昂丝( 鸭蛋脸)


  Sarah Jessica Parker (Long)

  A straight or flat brow complements an elongated face. SarahJessica Parker achieves thiswith her unrounded shape, which gives theillusion of width. It’s also important to take your features into mindwhen shaping the brow. If you have smaller eyes, you should choose athinner brow that isn’t very dark in color, which will open your eyes。

  萨拉·杰西卡·帕克( 长脸)


  arch n. 拱形。

  align v. 使一致,使密切合作。

  groom v. 使整洁,打扮。


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