双语:几个小动作帮你减轻职场压力(图)在所有你要做的事情、要打的电话和要照顾的东西中,你很容易把放松放到说说就算的位置上,不过减轻压力是值得做的事情。压力过大容易导致血压升高、降低人体免疫力并导致睡眠问题。下面给大家介绍的就是一些能缓解各种压力的动作——不管是短暂的还是长久的压力,运动几分钟就能收获健康哦。 ![]() 步行冥想
Try a Walking Meditation 步行冥想 Get rid of nervous tension by inhaling as you take four steps, then exhaling for four steps. Repeat for at least three minutes (the longer, the better). Work up to six to eight steps per inhale and exhale。 可以通过吸气走四步、然后呼气走四步的方法解除紧张感。至少走上三分钟,时间越长越好。通过练习逐渐延长呼气和吸气的时间,争取做到六步到八步一吸气、六步到八步一呼气。现代社会压力大,随时充电才能立于不败之地。 Try a Sitting Meditation 尝试静坐冥想 To recenter your mind and body, sit on the floor in a comfortable position with a straight back. Look at the second hand of a watch. Inhale for three seconds, then smoothly exhale for three more. Repeat for at least three minutes。 为了唤醒你的头脑和身体,用一种舒服的坐姿坐在地板上,后背挺直。看着表的秒针。吸气三秒钟,然后缓缓地呼气,呼气要超过三秒钟。重复做至少三分钟。 Try a Full-Body Stretch 试试做全身的伸展运动 Move 1: The Cat-Cow 动作一:猫牛式 Sit straight in a chair and place both feet flat on the floor. Exhale as you round your spine forward into a cow pose (top). Then inhale as you arch your back into a cat pose (bottom). Repeat for five more breaths。 在椅子上坐直,双脚平放在地板上。脊柱前倾摆出牛的姿势(上面的图),同时呼气。然后吸气,收回身体做猫的姿势(下面的图)。重复做五次呼吸。 Move 2: Side to Side 动作二:一边到另一边的伸展运动 Inhale and extend your arms straight up. Stretch to the right as you exhale. Inhale to come back to the center, then exhale to the left. Repeat for five more breaths。 吸气向上伸直双臂。呼气时向右伸展。吸气双手收回正上方,再呼气向左伸展。重复五次呼吸。 Move 3: Twist 动作三:扭转 With arms bent by your side, exhale and rotate your torso to the right. Inhale back to the center and twist to the left. Repeat for five more breaths。 在身体两侧端起手臂,呼气将上身转向右边,吸气收回再转向左边。重复做五次呼吸。
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