
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年02月24日 09:02   中国日报网英语点津

  Brightly-coloured, patterned trousers sported by Norway's Olympic curling team have proved such a hit that the country's king may be tempted to zip up a pair。

  The trousers, bought from the same company that keeps US golfer John Daly brightly-attired on the world's fairways, have become such a talking point at the Vancouver Olympic Centre that even King Harald is a fan。

  "It's crazy. We were on the front page of one of the major newspapers back home and it said the King of Norway may be coming to our game on Tuesday when we play Great Britain and a reporter asked him if he would wear the pants," explained Norwegian player Thomas Ulsrud。

  "And the King of Norway said, 'Yeah, sure, I love those pants'. I mean, we could hang out with the King of Norway and give him some pants. It's just crazy。

  "We definitely have a pair of pants we can give him."

  Norway's fashion sense hasn't affected their form with Monday's 9-2 win over France putting them second in the table in the 10-nation round-robin group。








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