不可不知:六小题测试你够不够时尚(图)![]() 六小题测试你够不够时尚
你知道多少的时尚词汇?考考自己,看看下面的这个fashion quiz吧。 1: Which of the following prepositions means that something is fashionable? a.up b.down c.in d.out 答案是:c. in,in 在英语里往往代表时尚的意思,比如what's in at the moment?意思就是现在流行的是什么?你可能也会听到人们谈到thein-thing,它指那些现在流行、时尚的东西,并不局限于时装,还包含音乐,语言表达等。Up,downt都不是时尚的意思,out正好和时尚相反,这个词是指过时的。 2: If a piece of clothing is a bit big and loose on the body, which word would we use in English todescribeit? a.loosy b.baggy c.tight d.shaggy 答案是:b.baggy,Baggy 表示衣服穿着很宽松,有的时候流行的是宽松类型的衣服,并不代表衣服不合身。a不对,因为英语里没有loosy这个词;c不对,因为tight是宽松的反义词,意思是很紧;d不对,因为Shaggy一般是用来形容头发乱糟糟的意思。 3: When British people talk about "high street fashion" – what dothey mean? a. Clothes that they bought ata shop on a mainroad b. Expensive designer clothes c. Clothes bought from one of the many chain fashion shops that you typically see in all towns across Britain d. Clothes that you can onlywear outside 答案是:c,Highstreet fashion 的意思就是指大众能接受的时装流行趋势。a不对,因为A high street一般指商业街,不过不是所有商业街上的时装店买的都是highstreet 时装;b不对,因为high streetfashion一般没有价格昂贵的顶级名牌时装。 4: Which of the following expression_rs does NOT mean to be reallydressed up in very nice clothes? a. Dressed tokill b. Dressed to thenines c. Dolledup d. Dresseddown 答案是:d. Dresseddown,dressed down 意思就是穿得很普通,没有特意打扮自己,其它的选择都是特意打扮的意思。a不对,因为如果一个人dressed tokill 那就是说穿上了最好的衣服,非常漂亮;b不对,因为如果一个人dressed to thenines 那就是说穿得非常漂亮,准备参加晚会;c不对,因为如果一个人dolledup那就是说穿得非常漂亮,这是一个非常口语化的表达。 5: Which of the following is another common expression_r meaningfashionable? a. All therage b. All theanger c. All thefury d. All theupset 答案是:a. All therage,如果什么东西现在非常时尚,就可以用这个词来形容。比如有人说喜欢你的拎包,你可以回答说 that style is allthe rage at the moment. 这个包的款式现在非常流行。b不对,因为英语里没有这个表达;c不对,因为英语里没有这个表达,fury的意思是发怒;d不对,因为英语里没有这个表达。 6: Skinny jeans are fashionable in the UK at the moment – but whatarethey? a. Jeans that make you loseweight b. Jeans that make you lookthinner c. Very longjeans d. Very tightjeans 答案是:d. Verytight jeans, skinnyjeans是一个流行款式,是很紧身的牛仔裤,要瘦的人穿着才好看。a不对,因为Skinnyjeans不是说穿了就可以减肥的牛仔裤,而是人要瘦才有可能穿进 skinny jeans;b不对,因为不是说穿上skinnyjans,人看上去就瘦了;d不对,因为Skinny jeans不是很长的牛仔裤。 网友评论
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