
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年02月26日 15:29   《21世纪英文报》

  每年的一至三月号称是“求职白银季(silver job-hunting season)”,高校应届毕业生们抓紧这段时间来寻觅理想职位。近年来,高校毕业生就业率不断下滑,就业压力与日俱增。如何找到好工作;求职期间又该注意什么?文中专业人士提出一些建议供您参考。



  Rising temperatures and drizzle may have pointed the way to a new spring and a new future, but the jobstatus of many students is still uncertain. Still, they might want totake heart, because March is often called the “silver” job-hunting season。


  At this time of the year, anyone who hasn’t found that ideal employer is usually toeing the line,ready to make the final dash. Feng Wenjiang, a 22-year-old senior at Henan University’s college of agriculture, for example, is trying his level best. He’s going all out to fix his resume and upgrading his English interview skills during winter break. He hopes to work in marketing in a large listed company。


  “I’ve missed out on lots of chances,” Feng said. “As graduation draws near, Ireally need to speed things up in getting a solid deal before I leave campus。”


  One Jiefang Daily report, quoting “reliable sources”, said that, by the end of February, student employment in the Yangtze River Delta region in both Jiang su and Zhe jiang provinces is at nearly the same level as last year: around 20 percent. And it’s about 27 percent in Shang hai。

  保持积极乐观 Be positive然而,我们有理由对此保持乐观,因为将有更多工作机遇涌现出来。“在制定完明年财政年度的预算或计划后,一些公司将提供新的工作机会。”来自北京中通智慧信息咨询有限公司的陈阳表示。“这样一来,意外的机遇与惊喜就可能随时出现。求职者也可以更好地关注工作动态。”

  Butthere’s enough reason to be positive: new job opportunities are coming。“After companies complete plans or a budget for the new financial year,they’ll post new openings,” said Chen Yang, of Beijing’s Zhongtong Wisdom Consultancy company. “So, unexpected chances or pleasant surprises could pop up atany time. It’s helpful for job hunters to keep a sharp eye out forthis。”


  In this sense, looking for a job in March could turn out to be even a “blessing”because, sometimes, the best things come at the last. Also, student job candidates have a chance to mature in their interviewing techniques by building on the experience they’ve accumulated over the past few months. If they’re wise, they can put this to use, and appear smarter。


  Chen has some suggestions on how to keep up with job postings. First, makegood use of the university’s job BBS and career center. Many colleges offer job services and online aid at “all hours”. Also, you can take part in job fairs. Many large fairs are scheduled for March. A routine search of popular job sites justmight turn up new discoveries. “The rule is to not let one small ray ofhope go,” Chen said。


  What’s most important, however, for this season, is to stay cool and be level-headed. The first thing to avoid is “low-bidder psychology”.That’s where students might get so desperate to get a contract before graduation that they’re willing to sacrifice their real interests or abilities。


  Ji Yantao, 22, a senior in law at North China University of Technology,says that he won’t give in to pressures to close a job deal, no matter what. Not until he’s basically satisfied in every way。


  In fact, he’s got an offer from an international non-governmental organization but is in no hurry to take it, even though he values the nature of their work. Ji thinks the 2,000-yuan salary might not allowhim to survive in the capital. “Signing a contract is easy, but it would mean trouble later on if I regretted the decision,” he explained。







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