十七岁的英国女孩Hannah从十四岁起接触毒品,三年来饱受毒瘾的折磨,终于写下了这封诀别信,宣告要开始新的生活。然而就在她决意戒毒的三个星期后, 死于吸毒过量。小编希望她的这封信能提醒大家,永远永远不要接触毒品,哪怕是一时好奇。 Dear Heroin, 亲爱的海洛因: I never want to touch you ever again. You've ruined my life, made me steal from my family, on probation'cause of you. Why I choose you I don't know。 我再也不想碰你。你毁了我的生活,因为你我从家里偷钱,因为你我被判刑。我不知道我当初为什么选择你。 You're the worst thing that ever came into my life. Yes, I did love you but now it's time to say goodbye。 你是我生命中所出现的最坏的事。没错,我曾经迷恋你,但现在该说再见了。 I'm so ashamed of myself 'cause of you. You're a big risk to anyone that does it and to me。 因为你,我感到羞耻。对我自己,对任何接触你的人来说,你都是一个很大的危险。 So I'm going to be strong and stay away from you and never touch you again。 所以我要坚强起来,远离你,再不见你。 My family have supported me all the way but I just kick them up the backside taking advantage of them. Stole off my mother. I borrowed money off her and didn't give it back. She's getting old now, and look what you've made me do - £120 stolen off her。 我的家人一直支持着我,可我根本不理会他们,只是利用他们。我从我妈妈那偷钱。我向她借钱但从来不还。她现在开始变老了。看看你都让我做了什么——从她那偷了120英镑! I love my family from the bottom of my heart, it's not nice being called a junkie. It feels horrible, you feel so small. Well I feel small, you made me feel like I'm worth nothing, just a dirty junkie sticking needles in my arms。 我从心底深爱我的家人。被叫成一个瘾君子不是件好事。这感觉很糟糕,这让人感觉自己很卑贱。我觉得自己很卑贱,你让我感到自己什么都不是,只是一个往胳膊上扎针的吸毒者。 You're out of my life now, don't need you no more. Yeah, you've messed up nearly two and a half years of my life but I've still got my whole life ahead of me and I'm going to prove to everyone that I can stay away from you, going to college, getting a job and a car。 我的生命中从此不再有你,我不再需要你了。你毁了我整整两年半的生活,但仍然有大好时光在前头等着我。我会向所有人证明,我能戒掉你,然后去读大学,找到一份工作,买辆自己的车。 Then get on with my life and get my family's trust back. Stop offending, that's the only reason I was doing all that 'cause of your dirty addiction. You make me sick to be honest with you。 然后我会回到正轨,重新拥有家人对我的信任。我要戒掉可恶的毒瘾的唯一原因,就是不想再惹他们生气。说实话,你让我觉得恶心。 I did love the buzz of you but you're not worth it。 我确实喜欢过关于吸毒的种种刺激说法,但你不值得我这样做。 But not anymore, I'll make sure you stay away from me, and I'll stay away from you。 我再也不会迷恋那些,我会确保你离我远远的,我也离你远远的。 I was brought up by a good family not a bad one, yeah I've had a lot of problems in my life, been quite bad actually, all because of you!! 我出生在一个良好的家庭中,我不是出生不良的孩子,然而我给自己惹了一大堆麻烦,成了一个很坏的小孩,都是因为你! You're a killer, you've killed a lot of people and really they are good people. I'm lucky that you haven't put me in a box cemetery。 你是一个杀手,你已经杀害了很多人,很多很好的人。你还没把我送进墓地,我真是幸运。 Lost loads of my mates and it hurts me, they sometimes blank me 'cause they know I've been on you, it's not nice when I've got pin holes in my arms and marks, track marks。 我失去了很多朋友,这让我很难过。他们有时候看到我吸了毒,就不再理我了。手臂上都是针孔不是件值得炫耀的事。 The illness that I go through when I use you and the after effects are the worst that you've put me through。 我经历过的最不堪忍受的事,就是因为吸毒引起的病症以及后遗症。 Wanted to kill myself a few times 'cause I couldn't go through it. Well guess what heroin, I can and did do it. I can beat you anytime. I can control you, you don't control me。 有时候我觉得我撑不下去了,我想过自杀。你猜怎样?我能鼓起勇气这样做,而且我确实做过。我可以随时打败你。我能控制你,你不能控制我。 I've got enough will power to get you out of my life for good. I'm strong and much stronger than you can ever be. I'm not losing anything over you。 我已经有了足够的意志力来将你永远驱除出我的生命。我很坚强,比你坚强得多。我不会输掉什么的。 Goodbye heroin. Never again. Family comes first。 再见海洛因。我再也不会见你了。家庭才是最重要的。
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