
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年03月01日 17:03   沪江英语


  When a discontented little girl named Coraline ventures into a hidden tunnel behind a door in her home, she finds herself in a tempting but disturbing alternate world. Her mother and father in this world have buttons in place of eyes...and would like very much to have Coraline join them。


  2.Fantastic Mr. Fox《了不起的狐狸爸爸》同名童书改编。色调温暖,剧情独特,配音阵容可圈可点,被誉为动画版的《十一罗汉》。

  The stylish Mr. Fox has retired from chicken thievery and is now a journalist and family man. Bored with his staid life, however, he decides to make a brief return to crime that will put him at odds with local farmers Boggis, Bunce and Bean。


  3.The Princess and the Frog《公主与青蛙》迪斯尼回归2D动画,经典童话故事的全新演绎,保留了音乐和画面方面的特长,更是充满了时代精神。

  Tiana is a young woman who dreams of opening a restaurant in New Orleans that serves the gumbo her father made when she was a child. When she meets a frog who happens to be an enchanted prince, Tiana kisses him...with surprising results。


  4.The Secret of Kells《凯尔经的故事》相对比较没有名气、却透着清新的行云流水。彻底的2D平面,惊艳的色彩,神秘的剧情,非常独特的动画作品。

  Brendan, a 12-year-old Irish boy, has spent his young life living among monks in an abbey. When a new monk, Brother Aidan, and his unusual cat help Brendan discover his hidden talents as an illustrator, the boy soon finds himself on a dangerous quest to complete the legendary Book of Kells。


  Carl Fredricksen, a gruff, lonely old man, thwarts an attempt to force him out of his home by launching it into the air with hundreds of helium balloons. As he sets his sights on South America, however, Carl discovers he has an inadvertent stowaway: a Boy Scout named Russell who was trapped on his front porch。


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