瞠目结舌:维多利亚瘦到如此地步(图)![]() 贝嫂瘦到如此地步
Her busy lifestyle undoubtedly makes it easy to keep the pounds off。 忙碌是生活方式毫无疑问是她体重减轻的首要原因。 But Victoria Beckham looked alarmingly thin pictured near her Los Angeles home at the weekend。 但维多利亚·贝克汉姆近期在洛杉矶家中被拍到的照片上,她看上去越发的瘦了。 The former Spice Girl who has now carved out a successfulcareer as a fashion designer wore a low cut jacket which did little todisguise her slender frame or her ribs which could be seen poking through her skin。 这位如今闯出了自己的一份事业的前“辣妹”成员,穿了件低胸短上衣,这使她看上去有些瘦骨嶙峋的感觉。 The fashionista stepped out in a ?595 pair of suede Christian Louboutin 'Maggie' stilettos, with a 5 1/2 inch heel。这 位时尚达人脚穿一双价值595英镑的经典红底高跟鞋,鞋跟高达5.5英寸。 Victoria's weight first hit the headlines ten years ago. Sincethen the 35-year-old's appearance has fluctuated from being skinny tovery skinny。 维多利亚的体重登上新闻头条是在10年前。从那时起,现年35岁的贝嫂就不断地在很瘦和瘦的皮包骨之间波动。 Victoria has often cited the pressure of looking after threechildren and juggling a hectic work schedule for the reason shestruggles to put on weight。 维多利亚也经常以照看3个孩子以及繁重的工作为由,来解释自己为何如此之瘦。 She is constantly pictured on the go, jetting most oftenbetween Los Angeles where her and husband David's three boys are inschool, to Milan where David plays football and Britain where herparents and sister live。 她也经常被拍到作为“空中飞人”的照片,到洛杉矶是因为她和丈夫小贝的三个孩子在洛杉矶上学;到米兰是因为小贝在米兰效力;到英国则是因为她的双亲和妹妹住在那里。 网友评论
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