
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年03月03日 14:52   中国日报网英语点津

  Movie goersin Japan can't get enough of Johnny Depp: The "Pirates of the Caribbean" star has been named favorite actor for a record seventh straight year in a survey by Japanese film magazine Screen。

  That topped the previous record of six consecutive years for Audrey Hepburn in the early 1960s in Screen's annual "Golden Grand Prix" readers poll, which the magazine has been conducting since 1952.

  Depp, who was named People magazine's "sexiest man alive" for a second time last year,picked up over 4,500 votes for top actor, more than double the number for "Twilight" heart throb Robert Pattinson in second place. "Inglorious Basterds" star Brad Pitt was third。

  "His popularity hasn't gone down since the time of the first 'Pirates of the Caribbean'movie," Screen's editor-in-chief, Akihiro Yonezaki said。

  "He has such a widefan base ranging from the younger generation to older people," he said,adding that Depp is able to grab audiences with roles in a variety ofmovies from family fare like "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" toserious films like "Public Enemies."

  "Public Enemies," in which Depp plays 1930s gangster John Dillinger, was also chosen as best movie for 2009 in the survey, outgunning "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" at No.2 and "Twilight" in third。

  Depp's next screenrole is as the Mad Hatter in director Tim Burton's adaptation of "Alicein Wonderland," which opens on Friday in the United States and othermarkets and in mid-April in Japan。

  The results of the survey appeared in Screen's April issue。










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