
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年03月08日 11:05   21世纪英文报

  新的一学期就要开始了。寒假的过度自由让不少刚返校的学生都患上了“节后综合症”(post-holiday syndrome):很多学生出现食不知味、夜不能寐、上课打哈欠等症状。对此,专家们给出了怎样的建议呢?


  THE new year always brings an old problem for students who return to campus after a long winter holiday spent lounging around at home. As the spring semester begins, some students find themselves having to adapt to college life all over again - a process they refer to as "the holiday blues", or "post-holiday syndrome"。


  For Ran Yaxing, a 19-year-old at Dalian University of Technology, this means re-acclimating herself to the heavy canteen food she was all too eager to leave behind when she went south to her home in Guangdong. Even worse, she must once again queue up in a dingy cafeteria and eat quickly at messy tables。


  "It's like fighting with the food instead of enjoying it," Ran said, explaining that she lost her appetite during her first days back. "I spent a whole semester getting used to the flavor here in the north, and now I have to do it all over again."


  Students must also return to the uncomfortable confines of life with roommates in a crowded dormitory. Just ask 19-year-old Jiang Cheng, who lived in a spacious, well-decorated home in Tianjin over the break. Now back in Wuhan at Hubei University of Technology, Jiang is sleeping on a wooden board and a few blankets. His body is aching to be back in his soft king-size bed in Tianjin。


  "I've definitely got the holiday blues," he said. "I cannot make myself happy at the moment."


  Early return remedy?


  Veterans like Qu Meng, a 21-year-old at the University of Science and Technology of China, know just what freshmen like Ran and Jiang are going through。


  Qu experienced similar feelings a year ago. But not this year. That's because Qu decided to return to campus a few days before the semester began. Most students come back just as the semester gets underway. Qu's early return gave him time to readjust his body, and his mind, to campus life。


  "An upperclassman gave me the tip, so that I could readapt to college life before feeling overwhelmed by all the essays and assignments," he said. So far, the early return seems to have kept the holiday blues at bay。


  No sympathy


  Li Jun, a psychologist at a Shenzhen-based consultation center, says many students report feeling glum and not in the best shape upon returning to campus after the winter holiday。


  But Li isn't about to recommend that they pop some pills or seek psychological help. Instead, she suggests that, next time around, students like Ran and Jiang stay more active during the winter break。


  Li says exercising and sticking to a normal schedule over the holidays will make a world of difference - and nip post-holiday syndrome in the bud。


  "Just because students don't have a workload on vacation doesn't mean that they need to stop using their brain and body," Li said. "Keeping a consistent life pace is one of the keys to avoid getting post-holiday syndrome."


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