
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年03月09日 14:29   环球时报

  The Seoul-based Chosun Ilbo newspaper reported Sunday that a survey on Internet use shows that the Net is more than a convenience, it's a "fundamental right."

  Conducted jointly by the Korean Institute for East Asian Studies and the British Broadcasting Corporation, the survey collected perceptions of around 28,000 people in 26 economies。

  Eight of 10 adult respondents believe Internet access is a right as fundamental as clothing, food and housing, and that sentiment was echoed by 70 percent of respondents who don't use the Internet。

  In South Korea, 96 percent of those surveyed hold Internet access fundamental, followed by BRIC economies, with 91 percent sharing the idea in Brazil, 87 percent in China, 70 percent in Russia and 61 percent in India。

  Those who "cannot live without Internet" comprised 84 percent in Japan, the highest rate among the 26 nations polled。

  Economies close behind on its heels are Mexico (81 percent), Russia (71 percent), China (63 percent) and South Korea (54 percent), while in other developed nations, the rate believing they cannot do without it is between 35-42 percent。

  Asked what is most concerning about Internet use, 32 percent of respondents noted network fraud, 27 percent said exposure to violence and pornography and 20 percent cited privacy invasion。







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