时尚达人必备:和奥斯卡有关的一些数字$500: The cost of an Oscar statuette 13.5 inches tall。 500美元:一尊13.5英寸奥斯卡小金人的成本价 $0: Watching celebrities walk down the red carpet for the Oscars is free。 0美元:奥斯卡红地毯旁的观众席免费申请不要钱 24:The number of Academy Awards in recent years。 24:奥斯卡近几年奖项的数量 21 percent:There's an Oscar curse where 21 percent of actors who win the golden statue later fail to have greater success in their careers。 21%:著名的奥斯卡诅咒,有21%的演员在获得奥斯卡后事业一蹶不振 5 percent: 5 percent of the actors died soon after getting an Academy Award 5%:有5%的演员在获得奥斯卡后不久即去世 7: In the 82 years of Oscar history, only seven films swept the Best Actor and Actress categories, as well as Best Supporting Actor and Actress awards。 7:在奥斯卡80多年的历史上,只有7部影片包揽了最佳男女演员四项表演奖 36 and 44: the average age of Academy Award-winning actresses is 36 years old, and for Academy Award-winning actors it is 44 years old。 36和44:获得奥斯卡的女演员平均年龄为36岁,获得奥斯卡的男演员平均年龄为44岁 17: Of the 35 highest-paid actors in 2010, 17 have won Academy Awards。 17:在35位片酬最高的演员中,有17位拿过奥斯卡奖 1: In 82 years' of Oscar history, a streaker broke into the theater during the prize presentation ceremony。 1:奥斯卡八十多年的历史中,其中有1次颁奖典礼被裸奔者闯入 The longest film to win an Oscar was Gone with the Wind (1939) at 3 hours and 40 minutes。 3小时40分:片长最长的奥斯卡最佳影片《乱世佳人》(Gone with the Wind,1939) 2,9,13,21,32: The number of Oscar-nominations - two films have received 14 nominations; nine movies with 13 Oscar nods; 13 with 12 nominations; 21 with 11 Academy nods; and 10 with 32 nominations。 2、9、13、21、32:获得奥斯卡提名最多的影片的数量——获得14个提名的2部影片;13个提名的有9部影片;12个提名的有13部影片;11个提名的有21部;10项提名的有32部。 $5 million: The cost of Oscar-related public relations and publicity on average per film is $5 million。 500万美元:平均每部影片用于奥斯卡公关宣传的费用是500万美元 $1.5 million: The average price for of 30 seconds of advertising during the Oscars is $1.5 million。 150万美元:奥斯卡颁奖典礼30秒广告平均价格150万美元 $50: In predicting the winners through Oscar bets, winners get an average of $50. 50:预测奥斯卡结果的赌局,大大小小的获胜者平均赢得50美元 $500: The cost of renting high-speed Internet in the press gallery for the 2009 Academy Awards ceremony was $500. 500:2009年奥斯卡颁奖典礼记者席上租用高速互联网的费用是500美元 网友评论
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