
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年03月09日 17:33   新浪教育



  美国当地时间3月7日,第82届奥斯卡金像奖颁奖礼在美国洛杉矶举行,《拆弹部队》获得最佳影片、最佳导演等六个奖项,击败了同获九项提名的科幻大片《阿凡达》,成为本届奥斯卡的大赢家。该片导演凯瑟琳•毕格罗同时也成为奥斯卡奖项设立82年以来获得最佳导演殊荣的首位女性导演。在男女演员方面,桑德拉• 布洛克凭《弱点》获最佳女主角奖,杰夫•布里吉斯凭《疯狂的心》获最佳男主角奖,莫妮克凭《珍爱》获得最佳女配角奖,克里斯托夫•瓦尔兹凭借影片《无良杂种》获得最佳男配角奖,而这四位与凯瑟琳•毕格罗一样也都是第一次登上奥斯卡的领奖台。

  The Iraq War drama "The Hurt Locker" has won best picture and five other prizes at the Oscar Academy Awards, its haul including best director for Kathryn Bigelow。

  Bigelow is the first woman in the 82-year history of the Oscars to earn Hollywood’s top prize for filmmakers。

  Bigelow was one of the four producers of "The Hurt Locker," along with journalist Mark Boal, financier Nicolas Chartier and Greg Shapiro. Chartier was banned from the ceremony after the French native broke Oscar campaign rules by e-mailing voters on behalf of the picture。

  The Hurt Locker, which centers on an American bomb-disposal squad in Iraq, is now out on DVD. It earned a modest $15 million at the North American box office. It was distributed by closely held Summit Entertainment。

  Its closest Oscar competition was considered to be "Avatar," the all-time box office champ produced and directed by James Cameron, Bigelow’s ex-husband。

  Both films received nine nominations。

  First-time winners took all four acting prizes: Sandra Bullock as best actress for "The Blind Side"; Jeff Bridges as best actor for "Crazy Heart"; Mo’Nique as supporting actress for "Precious"; and Christoph Waltz as supporting actor for "Inglourious Basterds."


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