
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年03月10日 12:05   中国对外翻译出版公司







  世博会是各国人民相聚、相知、相互交流、增进友谊的盛会,是人类新思想、新概念得以萌生、发展并转化为现实生产力的重要场所。举办 2010年上海世博会,对中国、对上海、对世博会事业都是一次重大的历史性机遇。办好上海世博会,对于我国加快改革开放和经济发展步伐,扩大与世界各国的合作与交流,进一步提高国际影响力,都具有十分重要的意义。因此,举办一届成功、精彩、难忘的世博会,是中国政府在本世纪头十年社会和经济发展中的一件大事、盛事,也是上海市政府今后五年的主要工作目标。我们将广泛发动民众,依靠上海市、全国乃至国外的力量参与筹办工作,借助世界各国人民的智慧和力量,利用一切有利因素和资源,全力以赴把上海世博会设计好、筹备好、举办好,努力把上海世博会办成一届以人为本、科技创新、文化多元、面向未来的世博会。









  Your Excellency Mr. Wu Jianmin, BIE Chairman

  Your Excellency Mr. Loscertales, BIE Secretary-General

  Distinguished Minister, Commissioners General of Section, Ambassadors and General Consuls

  Ladies and Gentlemen,

  We have received positive response from the international community since the official invitation to Expo 2010 Shanghai China signed by Premier Wen Jiabao was sent through diplomatic channels to the countries and international organizations concerned on March 22, 2006. As of yesterday, _____countries and international organizations have confirmed their participation in Expo 2010 and we regard this as a great encouragement. Therefore, I would like to take this opportunity to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all countries for their participation in and support of Expo 2010 Shanghai China。

  We have also received positive response from the international community since our invitation to the first participants meeting was sent through diplomatic channels on September 11, 2006. Today, ____representatives from ______countries and international organizations have joined us at this meeting. As a Chinese saying goes, “What a joy it is to have friends coming from afar!” Now, please allow me to greet you, on behalf of the National Organizing Committee, the Executive Committee and Shanghai Municipal government, with a warm welcome and deep appreciation!

  The world Exposition is a grand occasion for people from different countries to get together, know each other exchange ideas, and develop friendship. It is also a major arena where new thoughts and inspirations of the mankind are conceived, developed and turned into real productivity. Hosting Expo 2010 Shanghai China is a historical opportunity for China, for Shanghai, and for the cause of World Exposition. The success of Expo 2010 will be of great significance to China in accelerating its reform and opening for a faster economic development, in expanding its communication and cooperation with other countries in the world, and in further promoting its international presence. Therefore, to host a successful, splendid and unforgettable Expo 2010 is regarded by the Chinese government as a major milestone in China’s social and economic progress during the first decade of the new century; it is also a priority for Shanghai municipal government over the next five years. We will encourage the involvement of the general public and use all resources available in Shanghai, from across China and abroad in our Expo preparation. By relying on the collective wisdom and strengths of people all over the world, and with all favorable factors and resources brought into play, we will make all efforts to plan, prepare for and host an excellent Expo that is human-centered and future-oriented, featuring state-of-the-art innovations in science and technology and multi-cultures。

  Ladies and Gentlemen,

  A successful, splendid and unforgettable Expo will not be possible without the joint efforts by the host, participants and visitors. According to the usual practice of the World Expo, the first participants meeting is normally held two years prior to the Expo. We are holding this meeting one year ahead of the normal schedules for two purposes. The first is to provide you with a better understanding of the situation; and the second is to know through questions and answers your concerns related to the participation matters so that we can further improve our future work. It is my belief that the meeting today will lay a solid foundation for our future communication and liaison. We are looking forward to your valuable comments and suggestions, which will be a generous help to our endeavors to host a successful, splendid and unforgettable Expo。

  Now, the preparatory work for Expo 2010 is well under way in all aspects. We shall, as always, keep close contact with you and take into consideration your advice and suggestions to ensure the success of Expo 2010. We believe that, with concerted efforts by all participating governments, international organizations and corporations, and with strong support from people all over the world, Expo 2010 Shanghai China will surely be successful, splendid and unforgettable!

  Dear friends, Expo 2010 Shanghai China is ready to embrace the world with open arms. Once again, I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely invite all peace-loving countries and international organizations to join us at Expo 2010, and to witness together this grand event in global economy, science and technology, and culture. Let’s join our hands and strive together for a more prosperous world, a more harmonious human society, and a more enjoyable urban life!

  To conclude, may I wish Expo 2010 Shanghai China a great success!

  And my best wishes to all of you, the honorable guest!


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