双语:中国留学生“吻瘫”机场赢得芳心(图)![]() 中国留学生江海松因擅闯机场禁区被判罪
今年初“吻瘫”美国纽瓦克机场的中国留学生江海松3月9日被新泽西州纽瓦克地方法庭判处100小时社区服务(community service)和500美元罚款,并承担158美元的法庭费用。被判刑后的江海松近况如何?这段“轰轰烈烈”的爱情有没有因机场风波受到影响呢? 今年1月3日“吻瘫”美国纽瓦克机场的中国留学生江海松因擅闯机场禁区被判罪。 Haisong Jiang, who slipped past a security checkpoint on Jan. 3, causing a shutdown of Newark Airport, pleaded guilty to defiant trespass。 “那时我和女友非常火热,没有想太多,” 周二,28岁的江海松在事件发生后首次接受采访时说。事件造成机场关闭6小时,之后的5天警方一直在追捕江海松。“我无意在机场惹是生非。” "At that moment, I'm very excited with my girlfriend, and I didn't think too much," Mr. Jiang, 28, said Tuesday in his first interview since causing the six-hour shutdown at the airport and the five-day manhunt that followed. "I didn't mean to cause trouble at the airport." 周二,江海松因擅闯禁区被新泽西州纽瓦克地方法庭判处100小时社区服务和500美元罚款,并承担158美元的法庭费用。在法庭上,江海松承认自己闯入机场安全区。在回答主审法官Richard E. A. Nunes提问时,他用汉语做答,再由翻译翻译成英语。经检察官和江海松的律师Eric B. Bruce协商,他将在以社区服务来“赎罪”。 On Tuesday, he pleaded guilty in Newark Municipal Court to the charge of defiant trespass, and besides the community service, he must pay a $500 fine and $158 in costs and fees. He addressed the acting chief judge, Richard E. A. Nunes, with a statement in Chinese that was translated by an interpreter. In an agreement between prosecutors and Mr. Jiang's lawyer, Eric B. Bruce, Mr. Jiang will work off his punishment in community service。 江海松2004年赴美留学,一年前在罗格斯大学认识了女友。后来她去了加利福尼亚州。28岁的他没有透露太多女友的情况,只表示她也是中国人,26岁。他们目前仍是情侣。 A native of China, he moved to the United States in 2004 to study and met his girlfriend about a year ago at Rutgers University. She has since moved to California. He said little about her except that she is also Chinese and 26, and that they were still very much an item。 去年圣诞节期间,女友前来探望他,两人一起在SOHO购物,一起在洛克菲勒中心看圣诞树、在时代广场迎接新年--诸如此类。1月3日,他送女友离开,看着她走过安检,但仍忍不住想和女友多相处一会儿。于是,看到工作人员离开岗位,他看到了机会。 The lovebirds did the town over the Christmas holidays: shopping in SoHo, visiting the tree at Rockefeller Center, celebrating New Year's Eve in Times Square - the works. On Jan. 3, he watched her pass through security, but he wanted to spend more time with her. When he noticed the officer leave his post, he saw his chance, he said。 “我在安全出口处看着她,”他用一口近乎流利的英语说,“那时,我和女友非常火热,我没有意识到后果的严重。” "I saw her at the exit," he said in nearly fluent English. "At that moment, I'm very excited for her. I didn't realize the consequences." 趁安保人员离开岗位之际,他弯身钻过安全绳索,与女友拥吻,然后两人手挽手走到美国大陆航空公司登机口,目送她登机。“然后,我马上就离开了,”他说。在他开车返回皮斯卡塔韦(美国新泽西州东北部的一个镇区)时,机场客运站还一切正常。 He slipped under the rope and kissed her and, arm in arm, walked her to her Continental Airlines gate and saw her onto the jetway. "And immediately I left," he said. There was no commotion in the terminal when he drove away to his home in Piscataway, he said。 3天过去了。“周五,警察找到了我,”他说。当时他正在健身房,室友打电话给他称两名警察正在等他。这位未来的科学家终于认清了现实:“我不该擅闯机场禁区。当时,我马上就知道警察所为何事了。” Three days passed. "Friday, the police found me," he said. He was at the gym when his roommate called to say two police officers were at their home. Reality finally dawned on the budding scientist: "It's not right to enter the airport. Immediately I know the police want to ask me this thing." 警察向他出示了监控录像中的图片,然后把他带到警察局。在那里,他对警察说明了事情的来龙去脉,表示“我只想与女友多呆一会。” They showed him a picture from the video and took him to a police station, where he told his story, he said. "I say, 'I just want to spend more time with my girlfriend.' " 很快,江海松就意识到了此举的代价之高。他说:“我对因为我的错误引起的任何不便表示道歉,这是一个严重的错误。” He quickly came to realize the high cost. "I feel guilty about this," he said. "I'm trying to apologize for any inconvenience caused by my mistake. It's a big mistake." “以前从没遇到过这种情况,我尽全力解决这个问题,”江海松补充说。他请了位律师,而且还主动承认自己的错误。 "I never face this situation before; I try to do my best to fix the problem," Mr. Jiang went on, by getting a lawyer and admitting his mistake。 虽然他没有用搜索引擎搜索自己的名字,但可以肯定这个数字是惊人的。 He does not type his name into search engines: the sheer number of hits is overwhelming。 他期望能一半在流动厨房社区服务--“我喜欢烹饪”--一半在诊所或非营利机构。 He anticipates serving half of his community service in a soup kitchen - "I like to cook" - and the other half in a hospital or some sort of nonprofit agency。 今年情人节,江海松义无反顾地飞往加利福尼亚,与女友一起共度节日。他每月与女友通话2000分钟,大部分时间是在晚上。江海松计划在今年5月或者6月获得博士学位后也搬到加州,和女友在一起,然后找个实验室的工作。 He flew to California without incident for Valentine's Day. He and his girlfriend talk for 2,000 minutes a month, he said, mostly late at night. He plans on moving to California to be with her and work in a laboratory after completing his degree in May or June。 目前,她并不打算回到纽约。她的圣诞之行,虽然发生了令人心悸的插曲,却仍让江海松笑容满面。 She has no plans to return to New York. Her Christmas visit, despite its frightening postscript, still brings a smile to Mr. Jiang's face。 “那些天我们的生活充满乐趣,”他说。 "We had a lot of fun in those days," he said。
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