6. Mirny Diamond Mine-Siberia 俄罗斯西伯利亚米尔钻石矿坑 The Mirny Diamond Mine is 525m deep and has adiameter of 1200m. It was the first, and one of the largest, diamondPipes in the USSR. It is now abandoned. While it was still operational,it would take two hours for trucks to drive from the top to the bottomof the mine。 米尔钻石矿坑深525米,其直径为1200米,它是前苏联最早、最大的管状钻石矿之一,目前这处矿场已被废弃。据称,在该矿场处于开采运行时,一辆卡车从矿坑底部开到顶部需要两个小时的时间。 加拿大戴维克钻石矿洞
7. Diavik Mine-Canada 加拿大戴维克钻石矿洞 The Diavik Mine is a mine in the Northwestterritories of Canada. The mine (opened in 2003) produces 8 millioncarats or about 1,600 kg (3,500 lb) of diamonds every year。 戴维克钻石矿洞位于加拿大西北领地,这处矿场最初是在2003年开采挖掘,每年可以生产800万克拉或相当于1600公斤的钻石。 危地马拉污水池洞
8 Sinkhole-Guatemala 危地马拉污水池洞 In 2007, a 300 foot deep sinkhole swallowed adozen homes in Guatemala - killing 2 and causing thousands to beevacuated. The sinkhole was caused by rains and an underground sewageflow。 2007年,危地马拉突然出现地面塌方,十几处房屋瞬间落入一个300英尺深的污水池洞,从而导致2人死亡,数千人被迫撤离该区域。这个塌方的污水池是由于雨水和地下污水流动造成的。 俄罗斯乌达奇纳亚钻石矿洞
9. Udachnaya Pipe-Russia 俄罗斯乌达奇纳亚钻石矿洞 The Udachnaya Pipe is a diamond mine inRussia. The owners of the mine plan to cease its operations in 2010 -in favor of underground mining. The mine was discovered in 1955 and isover 600 meters deep 这是俄罗斯一处钻石矿,矿主计划于2010年停止采矿,这样将有利于地下开采。据悉,乌达奇纳亚钻石矿是于1955年被发现,现已被挖掘600米深。 10. Chuquicamata-Chile 智利Chuquicamata铜矿坑 Chuquicamata is an open pit copper mine inChile. It is the mine with the largest total production of copper inthe world - though it is not the largest copper mine. The mine is over850 meters deep。 Chuquicamata是智利一处铜矿,虽然它并不是世界上铜矿储藏量最大的矿场,但是它目前是全球生产铜最多的矿场。这个矿洞现有850米深。
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