
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年03月16日 10:15   国际在线
"I'm no saint"
"I'm no saint"

  "I'ma let you finish"

  Part of rapper Kanye West's bizarre opening line upon interrupting country singer Taylor Swift at the MTV Video Music Awards, as she gave her acceptance speech for Best Female Video. He then asserted, "Beyoncé had one of the best videos of all time."




Kobe special
Kobe special

  "Kobe special"

  Hours after what many speculate was a domestic dispute with his wife, golfer Tiger Woods reportedly told a friend that he had to buy one of these ("A house on a finger") at Zales. Kobe Bryant of the Los Angeles Lakers gave his wife a $4 million 8-carat diamond ring after being accused of rape in 2003.




I'm no saint
I'm no saint

  "I'm no saint"

  Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi's first public remarks after the release of audio recordings said to be from a night he spent with a prostitute。




I am Centaur
I am Centaur

  "I am Centaur"

  The name of a Twitter feed inspired by the revelation that New York Yankees third baseman Alex Rodriguez reportedly owns two paintings depicting himself as half-human, half-horse; one is said to hang above his bed。

  Alex Rodriguez


  受纽约洋基队三垒手艾力士·罗德里奎兹启发,一twitter feed账号如此命名。据报道,罗德里奎兹有两幅把他画成半人。

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