揭秘13个接吻趣味细节:预防皱纹(组图)7. As a rule, 66 percent of people keep their eyes closed while kissing. The rest take pleasure in watching the emotions run the gamut on the faces of their partners。 作为一种习惯,66%的人在接吻时会闭上眼睛。另外一些人则喜欢观察他们的伴侣在接吻时脸上的表情变化。 66%的人在接吻时会闭上眼睛
8. It is thought that men who kiss their wives goodbye before going to work live five years longer than those who just slam the door. Men of the latter category are said to be more prone to traffic accidents。 据说那些在出门前跟妻子吻别的男人比那些直接关上门离开的男人要长寿5岁。后面那种男人更容易发生车祸。 9. Kissing can help women relax and ease the effects of stress。 接吻能帮助女性放松,并缓解压力造成的不适。 接吻能缓解压力造成的不适
10. An act of kissing puts 29 facial muscles in motion. In other words, kissing can be used as an effective exercise to prevent the development of wrinkles。 接吻过程过程中要动用29块面部肌肉。换句话说,接吻是一种有效地预防皱纹的运动。 11. Lovers swap saliva containing various substances e.g. fats, mineral salts, proteins while kissing. According to latest studies, the exchange of the above substances can give a boost to the production of antibodies which are made specifically to deal with the antigens associated with different diseases as they are encountered。 情人接吻时交换的唾液含有多种成分,比如脂肪、矿物质、蛋白质等。根据最新的研究,这些物质的交换可以增强抗体的产生,这些抗体是在面对疾病的不同抗原所特别产生的。 接吻会产生一种物质,其麻醉的效果
12. Smooching passionately for 90 seconds will elevate blood pressure and cause the pulse rate to go racing. It will also increase the level of hormones in the blood, thus reducing life by one minute。 90秒钟热吻会升高血压、加速脉搏,还会增加血液中的荷尔蒙,由此会导致生命缩短一分钟。 13. The bodies of those engaged in kissing produce a substance that is 200 times more powerful than morphine in terms of narcotic effect. That is why the kissing partners can experience feelings of euphoria and bliss in the process。 接吻会产生一种物质,其麻醉的效果比吗啡强200倍。这也就是为什么在接吻的时候,人们会有种轻飘飘的幸福感。 企业服务 |