
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年03月19日 10:30   新浪教育

  4.You smell like lunch


  Vanilla, cocoa, fruit – the essences of sweet foods have long been present in personal care product fragrances. But this decade, some companies have looked to the savory scents of our favorite processed foods for inspiration. In 2008, Burger King came out with “Flame,” which they describe as a “scent of seduction, with a hint of flame-broiled meat。”

  香草、可可、水果——甜食重要成分的味道作为个人保养品的香味已经很久了。但在近十年里,一些公司已经开始在人们喜欢的加工食品的美味香气中寻找灵感。 2008年,汉堡王推出了一款“火焰”香水,他们将之形容为“带有一点烤肉味道的诱人香气。”


  5.“Baby got back3”


  While curvy women rejoiced, those with flat backsides scrambled to join the club. The solution? Butt augmentation, or butt implants, which is exactly what it sounds like. There’s also the Brazilian butt lift, which involves transferring fat into the butt. The number of people surgically enhancing their derrieres is very small when compared to more popular procedures like breast implants, but according to the American Society of Plastic Surgery, butt enhancement was one of the few procedures that increased in popularity, even with the bad economy。


  6.Nips, tucks ... down there


  Labiaplasty, the most established of the vaginal plastic surgery procedures4, is the reduction of the vaginal lips. Though it’s still not a very common surgery, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, which started keeping statistics on vaginal rejuvenation in 2005, saw a 30 percent increase in the number of patients by 2006.



  7.Bathing drunk


  Plain water is sooo ’90s. For those with money, the options are endless. Soak in a sake bath or one of several other options, including green tea, red wine or coffee, at the Hakone Kowakien Yunessun Hot Springs Amusement Park and Spa Resort in south-central Japan。



  8.Wrinkle reduction


  Frozen foreheads barely raise eyebrows these days, but there was once a time when injecting a toxin produced by bacteria into one’s face would have been considered odd. The Botox trend didn’t gain traction until 2002, when it was approved to be used for cosmetic purposes. Botulinum toxin injections work by weakening or paralyzing certain muscles or by blocking certain nerves, reducing the appearance of wrinkles。


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