
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年03月22日 14:06   国际在线

  Pansy Ho, the daughter of gambling tycoon Stanley Ho, is widely seen as an heir apparent to Mr. Ho's gambling empire. For decades, no single person wielded more influence in Macau than Mr. Ho, whose four decade-long gambling monopoly in the former Portuguese colony made him a dominant figure in the city's business and political life。

  澳门赌王何鸿燊(Stanley Ho)之女何超琼(Pansy Ho),被普遍视为他赌场帝国的当然继承人。数十年来,何鸿燊在澳门的影响力无人能及。他在澳门这个葡萄牙前殖民地,长达四十年之久垄断博彩业,这使他成为这座城市商业与政治生活中举足轻重的人物。


  Even after Mr. Ho's monopoly was broken in 2002 after Macau's return to Chinese rule, Mr. Ho and two of his children -- Ms. Ho and son Lawrence -- dominated the market by holding three of the territory's six licenses。

  即便在澳门回归中国后,何鸿燊对博彩业的垄断地位于2002年被打破,但他及其两个子女何超琼与何猷龙(Lawrence Ho),仍以拥有该行业六张许可中的半数而把持着澳门博彩业。

  Through his companies, which include Hong Kong-listed casino operator SJM Holdings Ltd., Mr. Ho owns 20 of Macau's 33 casinos。

  何鸿燊以公司的形式,包括在香港上市的澳门博彩控股有限公司(SJM Holdings Ltd)在内,拥有澳门33家赌家中的20家。


  Mr. Ho parlayed his gambling monopoly into a business empire that spanned property, transport and department stores -- an empire that by 2004 controlled about two-thirds of Macau's economy。



  Ms. Ho, the oldest daughter from Mr. Ho's second wife, has said in the past that she is independent of her father, but serves as managing director of Hong Kong-listed Shun Tak Holdings Ltd., the transport and property company that her father founded and continues to run as executive chairman。

  其长女何超琼是何鸿燊第二房妻子所生。她曾说过不依靠他父亲,要独立打拼,但目前她担任香港上市公司信德集团有限(Shun Tak Holdings Ltd。)的董事总经理。这家以交通及地产为主业的公司是她父亲成立的。何鸿燊迄今仍是公司的行政主席。

  Ms. Ho also sits on the board of the holding company through which Mr. Ho controls his casino operation SJM Holdings. She acquired her casino license from SJM in 2004.


  For years, Mr. Ho's business style has attracted the attention of the U.S. government. Under the old monopoly framework that Mr. Ho presided over, 'organized crime groups were, and continue to be, associated with the gaming industry through their control of VIP gaming rooms and activities such as racketeering, loan sharking, and prostitution,' according to a 2007 State Department report that was submitted to the Congress。



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