时尚行话:“穿一条裤管”并没有错(图)![]() 单数名词一统天下
Why do fashion gurus singularise plurals: a pant, a trouser, a jean, and – worst of all--a tight? Who uses one pant? 为什么时尚大师们喜欢把复数名词都说成单数?裤子,牛仔裤,紧身裤袜这些,不都是两条裤管吗?谁会穿只有一条裤管的裤子? Fashion people do. They also like "to work" a shoe, a sleeve, even a spectacle (but not "a sunglass". That would be just silly). This is known as the Fashion Singular. How did this fashion singular come into existence? 时尚界人士会“穿一条裤管的裤子”。他们甚至会说要“设计”一只鞋,一条袖子,甚至一个(不是一副)眼镜(但是他们不会说“一个太阳镜”,这听起来就太蠢了)。这就是时尚界的单数理论。为什么有这种说法呢? American fashion stylists all talk like Californian teenagers. They started using the fashion singular on notes given out at fashion shows. Fashion journalists noticed this and perceived it as a form of Botox for the voice as it freezes one into a permanently teenage state。 美国时尚设计师们的谈吐就像加州的小青年。最开始是在时装秀中,他们传递小纸条时使用这种单数名词。后来记者们注意到了,认为这就像注射肉毒杆菌从而消除皱纹一样,这种拙劣的语法让人始终有身为少年人的感觉。 To demonstrate your true mastery of this lingo, deploy it only in positive circumstances, eg, "Ooh, I do love a kitten heel." But when you're being negative, it's: "I'm so not feeling wedges any more." You see? The difference issubtle but crucial, like fashion itself。 如果你真正掌握了这种行话,就应该知道,这只能用于肯定句,如:“哇,我好喜欢这个矮跟设计(这里是单数)。”在否定句中,就应该说成:“我再也不想穿坡跟鞋了(这里是复数)。”明白了?区别相当微妙,就像时尚本身一样。 网友评论
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