新加坡媒体:“体面”学位在中国失去光芒   2010年03月24日 16:37   环球时报

  Young Chinese who rushed to study law or business in universities in the past few years are finding that it does not quite pay off。

  While their counterparts in other countries may be in demand, law and business graduates in China are struggling to land a job。

  Last year, survey after survey of fresh graduates in China surprised educationists when the findings showed that unemployment rate was the highest among those who took "prestigious" courses。

  These courses – law, business administration, computer science and international trade – showed unemployment rates that were up to 7 percentage points higher than the average。

  Experts say the students, and their parents, were attracted by the prestige surrounding these degrees。

  And schools, sensing an opportunity to cash in, set up new departments to attract students even though they did not have the instructors or facilities to run decent courses。

  The rising jobless numbers among such graduates are coming to light now. Stiffer competition triggered by the growing graduate population is part of the problem。

  Unemployment among fresh graduates has been rising for many years. Critics blame the government for vastly expanding university intake without preparing the schools or the economy sufficiently for it。

  But experts say the latest problem is specific to certain courses。

  There are more than 500 different undergraduate courses being offered in China. But studies show unemployed graduates are highly concentrated in just a handful of programmes, according to Wang Boqing, the author of one of the survey reports。

  "These programmes are the ones that are severely imbalanced," he said。

  All too often, parents in China favour courses that give them "face" or make them feel superior to friends and neighbors, according to observers。






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