郑中基和蔡卓妍:分手原来是离婚(组图)![]() 郑中基和阿Sa蔡卓妍近日召开记者会,就二人关系发表公开说明
CELEBRITY couple Ronald Cheng and Charlene Choi, who announced their separation earlier, are actually getting a divorce。 明星情侣郑中基和蔡卓妍,早先宣布二人分手,实际上他们正在办理离婚。 Hong Kong's Apple Daily in its latest edition published a copy of the stars' marriage certificate, confirming speculation that they were married。 香港的《苹果日报》在最近一期刊登了这对明星的结婚证明,证实了二人已婚的推测。 According to the records, Cheng, 38, and Choi, 27, had registered for marriage in Los Angeles, United States, on Jan 31, 2006. 根据这份记录,38岁的郑中基和27岁的蔡卓妍早在2006年的1月31日就在美国洛杉矶登记结婚了。 ![]() 结婚证明上二人登记的名字是Ronald Chung Kei Cheng 和 Charlene Tsoek-Jin Choi
A marriage certificate was then issued under the names Ronald Chung Kei Cheng and Charlene Tsoek-Jin Choi。 当时这份结婚证明上二人登记的名字是Ronald Chung Kei Cheng 和 Charlene Tsoek-Jin Choi。 The duo, however, have yet to respond to the news report。 二人还没有对最新的新闻发表回应。 It was reported that the couple had planned to announce the news later at the "right timing" but sadly, the first time that they openly talked about their relationship was about their separation。 据报道,这对小夫妻本打算在“合适的时候”向大家宣布已经结婚的事情,没料到他们首次公开谈论二人的关系就是宣布分手。 Last week, the couple - who started dating in 2004 after starring as lovers in the film Hidden Heroes -?had officially announced their separation at different events。 上周,这对在2004年因拍摄《追击八月十五》擦出爱的火花的小夫妻在不同场合正式宣布分手。 Rumours of Cheng's affairs with other women and a bikini Choi reportedly found in her husband's room were said to have sparked off their split。 之前有谣传郑中基和其他女性玩劈腿,更有报道蔡卓妍在老公房间发现女用比基尼成为二人分手的导火索。 Cheng and Choi were among the Hong Kong celebrities who were found to have secretly married。 同郑中基和蔡卓妍一样被爆秘密结婚的港星还有几名。 The others include Cantopop Heavenly Kings Andy Lau and Leon Lai。 其中包括粤语流行天王刘德华和黎明。 网友评论
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