
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年03月30日 09:58   环球时报

  "Russia, our holy country! … You are unique in the world, inimitable, protected by God as our beloved homeland!" Such are the lyrics of the new national anthem of Russia adopted in December 2000. The "God" in the lyrics, however, is becoming a target of a Russian political parties' conflict。

  The Novy Vzglyad newspaper reported Saturday that Boris Kashin, of the Chamber of Deputies of Moscow (the Duma), has submitted a bill to replace the phrase of the anthem that says "protected by God as our beloved homeland," with "protected by us as our beloved homeland."

  Kashin said that, as most Russians are atheists, the lyrics do not represent the universal view of the people。

  The national anthem is the symbol of Russia. It should accord with the Constitution of Russia and serve to unite the whole society. According to Russian law, no religion should be above the Constitution, he added。

  It is reportedly the second time that he has proposed such a bill within half a year。

  Andrei Isaev, a party member of "Unified Russia" of the State Duma, criticized Kashin for blaspheming against the national anthem and the majority of Russian citizens。

  The current Russian anthem is a collective wisdom, in which the Communist Party also took part in the revision。

  The new adjustment satisfied the Communist Party by adopting the old Soviet anthem tune and retaining part of its lyrics。

  He rebutted that the Communist Party intended to stir society to achieve its own political ambitions。

  He said that if the Communist Party continues to focus on the change of the anthem, the "Unified Russia" party would propose the moving of Lenin's tomb again。

  Russian Orthodox Patriarchate Kirill said the Duma would not agree to remove "God" from the lyrics。





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