
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年03月31日 08:45   国际在线

  The jury is still out on the relationship between cell phone use and brain tumors. But the American Association of Neurological Surgeons has issued a statement to remind people that cell phones present lots of other risks to your brain. Of course, we all know about yapping while driving. A Harvard study finds that 2,600 people die each year in accidents related to cell distraction and 12,000 more are injured. Canadian research shows that you’re four times more likely to be in an accident while on the phone。

  使用手机和罹患脑瘤之间的关系目前还没有定论。但是美国神经外科医生协会(American Association of Neurological Surgeons)发表了一份声明,提醒人们使用手机对大脑还有很多其它的危险。当然,我们都知道一边驾驶一边使用手机唠叨不止的危险。哈佛大学的一份研究发现,由于驾驶中使用手机导致的车祸,致使每年有2600人死亡,还有12000多人在事故中受伤。加拿大的一项研究表明驾车中使用手机导致事故的可能性要提高4倍。


  But here are some other emergency room cases that show the dangers of talking or texting while on the move: Guy talking on cell phone on an escalator falls backward, lacerating his head, where his brain lives. Guy talking on cell phone walks into street sign, also lacerating his head. Guy texting while bicycling crashes into a tree and suffers head injury. Guy texting walks right into a telephone poll and knocks himself cold. Sir, back away from the phone. It could save your life. Or at least your dignity。



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