
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年03月31日 11:15   国际在线

  LEO (July 23 - Aug. 22)

  To keep your Leo date happy, there had better be some drama in your evening. Your Leo date will love dressing up to the nines, and needs to have an engaging and social event to attend. Cultural events will be popular with the Lion in your life, as will gambling or anything exciting. The key to a successful date with a Leo is to make them feel like royalty。



  VIRGO (Aug. 23 - Sept. 23)

  The key to romancing a Virgo is simple elegance —— take your date out for a tasteful, stylish evening. But don't be too spendy —— your Virgo will be embarrassed by splashy shows of money, and will be more impressed by value rather than amount. Also keep in mind that Virgo rules the house of health, so a date with physical activity (especially outdoors) will be a hit. Virgos also love animals, so a date that puts your Virgo in contact with them (like a trip to the zoo!) will earn you a smile。



  LIBRA (Sept. 24 - Oct. 23)

  Libra rules the House of Partnership, which means they tend to be socially inclined and more interested in other people than themselves. Your Libra will need you to have as much fun on your date as they are! Something social would be successful with a Libra date. Beauty and sensuality are important to Libras, so this is definitely the person for whom you want to bring flowers to the door。



  SCORPIO (Oct. 24 - Nov. 22)

  Mystery is the name of Scorpio's game, so suspenseful games, movies or theater will be your ticket to a wonderful evening. In fact, holding one of those dinner mystery nights might be the perfect evening —— your Scorpio could act like someone else, figure out the mystery and spend some quality time with you —— all at once! Scorpios are also quite passionate, so don't be stingy with affection when you are having a good time。



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