
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年04月01日 15:29   环球时报

  It is energy-consuming and time-wasting to write and send wedding invitations。

  In that vein, a South Korean company is promoting a mobile video invitation service that it says saves time, energy and money compared with sending invitations by mail。

  According to a report Tuesday by the Chosun Ilbo newspaper, "mobile video invitations" differ from traditional paper invitations in that the former feature different options。

  For example, it's possible to turn a photo or video into an invitation, or make a music video and send it。

  Some Koreans have tried to make and send video invitations to their friends, but they were frustrated at the low-quality images。

  And the way of sending them one at a time was cumbersome too。

  The mass-sending system of the "mobile video invitation" is much more user-friendly。

  The images are of high quality as well。

  The average cost for one mobile video invitation is reportedly 400 Korean won (2.4 yuan), 30 to 40 percent cheaper than sending by mail。

  "People tend to put the newlyweds' songs, greetings and photos into the mobile video invitation. Jokes are also frequently used," said the supplier of the mobile message。

  "It is also very convenient for receivers to reply with well wishes."





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