
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年04月02日 09:57   沪江英语
苏珊大妈过生日 礼物收到手发软
苏珊大妈过生日 礼物收到手发软

  As far as birthday presents go, it sounds too good to be true. But when you have friends like Simon Cowell perhaps it is only to be expected。

  单就生日礼物来说,这听起来让人难以置信。但是如果你有像Simon Cowell这样的朋友,你坐等收大礼就是了。

  Susan Boyle, who turns 49 today, will wake up to a £4million gift from the music mogul。


  The payout from Cowell's Syco label represents the first instalment of royalties from Miss Boyle's best-selling debut album, I Dreamed A Dream, which was released last November。


  It has since become the fastest-selling album in British history, with more than 3.1million copies bought in its first four weeks。


  Yesterday the singer, who is on tour in Japan, celebrated the windfall and her birthday with a private party in the penthouse suite of Tokyo's tallest building。


  She was joined by fans who had flown in for the occasion from Australia, Europe, the U.S. and Asia。


  Guests donned home-made 'Susan Boyle' buttons and red scarves in a tribute to the star, who is known affectionately as Su-Bo, before presenting her with a chocolate cake decked with strawberries and featuring her album cover。

  客人们送上了自制的印有“Susan Boyle”名字的徽章和红色围巾,然后又送上装饰有草莓的巧克力蛋糕,上面印有她的专辑封面图案。


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