双语奇闻:四川惊现神秘“无毛野兽”(图)近日在中国四川,猎人们捕获到一只全身无毛的野兽,谁也不知道它是什么。当地传说,曾经有一个男人最终变成了熊,难道人们捕到的就是这个神秘男子吗? 四川惊现“东方雪人”
“Oriental yeti” discovered in China 中国发现“东方雪人” The hairless beast was trapped by hunters in Sichuan province after locals reported spotting what they thought was a bear。 在四川省,猎人们捕获了一只无毛野兽,当地居民发现它时以为是一只熊。 Hunter Lu Chin explained: "It looks a bit like a bear but it doesn't have any fur and it has a tail like a kangaroo." 猎人卢勤(音)解释说:“它看起来有点像熊,但它没有毛,还有它的尾巴看起来跟袋鼠一样。” "It also does not sound like a bear - it has a voice more like a cat and it is calling all the time - perhaps it is looking for the rest of its kind or maybe it's the last one? “它叫起来也不像熊——它的声音像猫,一直叫——也许它是在找同类吧,又或许它是同类中的最后一只了?” "There are local legends of a bear that used to be a man and some people think that's what we caught," he added。 他补充道:“当地有传说曾经有一个男人变成了一只熊,有的人认为我们就是抓到了他。” Local animal experts now plan to shipped the mystery beast to scientists in Beijing who will perform DNA tests on the beast。 当地的动物专家现在计划把这只神奇的小兽运送给北京的科学家,他们会为它做DNA的测试。 小编:说这只小兽是“雪人”未免夸张了。小编觉得人家顶多就是一只因营养不良、掉了毛的小山猫吧…… 网友评论
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