
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年04月12日 12:38   沪江英语


  Ninety-seven people died Saturday in the crash of a chartered plane carrying Polish President Lech Kaczynski to Smolensk, Russian officials said。

  俄罗斯官员宣布,星期六共有97人在波兰总统(Lech Kaczynski)去往斯摩棱斯克的专机失事事件中遇难。

  Emergency Situations Minister Sergei Shoigu, who was at the site of the tragedy, said black boxes have been found and examination on them have begun。


  Media published the part of the list of victims:


  National leader(国家领导人):

  President(总统): Lech Kaczynski and wife Maria;

  Other politicians(其他政客):

  Chief of the National Security Office(国家安全局局长): Aleksander Szczyglo;

  National Bank of Poland chairman(国家银行行长): Slawomir Skrzypek;

  Deputy speaker of the lower house(众议院副议长): Jerzy Szmajdzinski;

  Foreign Ministry's undersecretary of state(外交部副部长): Andrzej Kremer;

  Deputy minister of national defence(国防副部长): Stanislaw Komorowski;

  Military chief(军事长官):

  Chief of the General Staff (军方总司令): Franciszek Gagor;

  Cultural figures(文化名人):

  Head of Poland's Council for the Protection of Struggle and Martyrdom Sites(二战纪念部部长): Andrzej Przewoznik


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