
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年04月13日 17:39   市民讲外语办公室






  The Beijing Speaks Foreign Languages Programme (BSFLP) was launched in 2002. By the end of 2005, more than 4.1 million Beijing residents, 30 percent of the permanent residents in Beijing, were able to speak at least one foreign language. Beijing, a historical city, is effectively striving to raise its residents’ foreign language levels in the process of marching towards modernization。

  The excitement aroused from winning the right to host the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympic Games and the “New Beijing, Great Olympics” vision are driving and encouraging Beijing’s residents. During the past three years, along with progress in preparations for the 2008 Olympic Games, the enthusiasm of Beijing residents for studying and speaking foreign languages has continually increased。

  Beijing is a city with abundant resources for foreign language teaching and learning. Using these resources to improve the foreign language skills of residents citywide and to speed Beijing’s internationalization with full integration is a key target of the BSFLP, as listed in the Beijing Olympic Action Plan and the Must-do Projects of the Beijing Municipal Government. Under the organization of the Organizing Committee of the BSFLP and with the active participation of experts, various foreign language teaching organizations and the media, the Organizing Committee of BSFLP is succeeding in its mission。

  During the past few years, the Foreign Languages Festival has attracted thousands of Beijing residents. Whoever gets to know those foreign language learners will be moved by their serious attitude and the efforts they have been making, which are fully displayed in their excellent performances in the “Business English TV Contests” and the “Beijing English TV contest for professionals”, the wonderful singing at the “Foreign Song TV Contest for Chinese Singers”, the lively English Corners in the communities and the study panels with enthusiastic learners in the countryside。

  Beijing is thoroughly carrying out a “human scientific development point of view”; this is a great opportunity. Fully taking advantage of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, promoting the better and more rapid development of the economy, striving for a harmonious society, sticking to the principle of integrating popularization, practicability, mass participation and interests and based on continuous forms and various content, the Beijing Speaks Foreign Languages Programme has already and will definitely continue to make great achievements, create a good language environment for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games and contribute to the construction of Beijing’s internationalization。


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