
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年04月15日 11:47   新浪教育


  Every time we see something new, we wish to document it in some form or another. Our pleasure at experiencing something new or even re-visiting something we have seen before is enhanced when we share it with others. If your travel stories are written well, the appreciation from known and unknown persons alike are the greatest rewards for those travel stories could bring。

  When you write your travel stories, bear the following in mind。


  Don’t trust your memory. No matter how photographic your memory is, when you are travelling, you are bombarded with extensive visual and audio treats. While you are admiring and enjoying them, when you return to write about your travel stories, you are bound forget something. Make notes, take photographs, take videos and, if possible, orally record what you see。


  Keep a small notepad and record what you see. You can elaborate on what you see and write it in your personal style without missing anything。


  Photographs are very useful for you to recall what you saw. You can describe your experiences simply by recalling what you felt when you clicked the photographs。

  Length of your travel stories

  When you are writing about your travel stories, make sure it is not too short as your reader may not get the full impact of your story and make sure it is not too long that the reader gets bored with excessive adjective usage。

  Format and content of your travel stories

  While writing your travel stories, don’t write it without breaks. Break it into paragraphs. Use images to show what you saw and help readers feel what you felt. While images help you share what you saw, the combinations of many factors will not reveal itself in the photograph – the lighting, the sight combined with sounds, the wind and the smells around – this is where your description of the sensations and feelings that you went through in your experience will help your readers understand and live the experience through you。

  Popular factors while writing about your travel stories

  Make sure your articles contain popular factors so that the reader finds your travel stories not only enjoyable to read, but useful as well. Popular factors are food, places to eat, places to stay, what to look out for while travelling in a strange land, how to steer clear of the mistakes you made, how to make the best use of what you found useful and finally what to do about the things you missed or wished you did。











  写旅途杂记的时候, 不要“马不停蹄”,应采用多段的形式。借助图片展示你的视界,并帮助读者体会你的感受。旅途见闻是一个多元素的综合体,尽管图片能帮你分享你的所见,却不能将你的全部体验展现:闪电、声画合一的景象、风以及周围的气味——你在旅途中经历的这些感觉和感受有助于你的读者体会,并通过你得到身临其境的感觉。你要将这些感受描述下来。




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