
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年04月15日 15:07   中国日报网-英语点津

  The black dress worn by Diana, Princess of Wales, for her first official appearance with the Prince of Wales shortly before their engagement in 1981 surfaces at auction this summer。

  It was rumoured that the Princess had destroyed the black taffeta gown - but it turned up recently in a wardrobe at the studio of dress makers David and Elizabeth Emanuel。

  Now the iconic dress is set to fetch up to £50,000 when it appears at Kerry Taylor Auctions in London on June 8.

  The dress caused a sensation when Lady Diana Spencer, as she then was, bent down to climb out of the car. She was met with a frenzy of flash bulbs and next day's newspapers included the headline: "Daring Di sets fashion as she takes the plunge"。

  But while 19 year old Lady Diana thought that black was elegant and grown-up, it was deemed an unusual choice as the Royal family wear the color almost exclusively for mourning。

  The public, however, went wild over the dress. In the run-up to her wedding, the nervous fiancée lost so much weight that she returned the gown to the Emanuels to have it taken in. The alterations required were so drastic that they decided it would be easier to re-make a smaller version for her. They kept the original and forgot about it, only re-discovering it quite recently。

  This gown forms part of the Emanuel Archive of Princess Diana-related material comprising 30 lots ranging from actual clothes worn by the Princess to fashion sketches, invoices, letters and related ephemera and expected to fetch a total of up to £175, 000. It charts the transformation of the Princess from a young, inexperienced teenager into a world-renowned style icon。

  A large part of the Emanuel Archive focuses on the Royal wedding gown and includes original designs and toiles for the bridal gown and bridesmaid dresses, the layered tulle petticoat worn by the Princess for fittings and rehearsals at St Pauls Cathedral, a duplicate sequined veil, invoices, letters from the Princess' mother, correspondence with Buckingham Palace and a photographic record of the making of the bridal gown. The collection also features fashion designs for the Princess' official tours to Venice 1984 and the Middle East in 1986.




  当时,那时还是斯宾塞小姐的戴安娜身穿这件礼服俯身从车中出来,艳惊四座,现场的闪光灯此起彼伏,并在第二天抢占了报纸头条,标题为《戴安娜风格大胆 引领时尚先锋》。




  伊曼纽尔收藏的戴妃物件中以她的婚礼礼服为主,还包括新娘礼服和伴娘礼服的原稿设计和样衣、王妃在圣保罗大教堂试衣和彩排时穿的多层薄纱衬裙、一条亮片面纱复制品、发票、来自王妃母亲的信件、与白金汉宫的往来信件,以及新娘礼服制作全过程的照片记录。藏品中还包括王妃1984年出访威尼斯和1986 年出访中东时所穿的服装。


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