You've probably heard of hot yoga and power yoga, but now there's another form of the physical and mental activity that's gaining in popularity in India -- water yoga。 In the city of Agra, famed for the Taj Mahal, legions of locals perform their "asanas," or postures, in a pool, which makes them more challenging than on land, and also boosts buoyancy and flexibility。 Harish Chaturvedi, a trained lawyer, teaches the unusual form of yoga free of charge. He says water yoga can be performed for much longer than other forms, as the body does not get tired as quickly。 "Everybody can learn swimming, but if they also learn yoga alongside it, they will never feel tired," he said。 "The level of oxygen is very high in water, and you will not have any breathing problems." Chaturvedi believes water yoga really boosts energy and helps ward off disease. He focuses on children, and runs regular classes at the swimming pool of a local sports stadium。 The response to this unusual form of yoga has been positive。 "Pandit Harish Chaturvediji is a lawyer by profession but he is very good at performing yoga in water," said Sudhir Narayan, a water yoga student. "He is teaching children free of cost and that is a very good thing." Yoga, which involves meditation as well as physical activities, has become a mainstream form of exercise around the world, with millions of followers。 你可能听说过高温瑜伽和力量瑜伽,但现在有一种新的瑜伽在印度日渐流行,这就是水中瑜伽。 在以泰姬陵而闻名的亚格拉城,很多当地人热衷在水池中做瑜伽,在水中做瑜伽比在陆地上做难度更大,但同时可以提高身体的浮力和灵活性。 职业律师出身的哈里希•查图尔维迪免费教授这种特别瑜伽。他说,相比于其它形式的瑜伽,在水中做瑜伽不会让身体很快感到疲劳,所以能坚持得更久。 他说:“每个人都能学习游泳,但如果他们在学游泳的同时学习瑜伽,那么永远也不会觉得累。” “水中的含氧量很高,所以你不会有任何呼吸方面的问题。” 查图尔维迪认为水中瑜伽的确能提高体能,祛除疾病。他以孩子为主要教学对象,并在当地一家体育馆的游泳池定期授课。 大家对这种特殊瑜伽反应不错。 一个名叫苏迪尔•纳拉延的水中瑜伽学员说:“哈里希•查图尔维迪老师的职业是律师,但他的水中瑜伽做得很棒。他免费教孩子们练水中瑜伽,这真是一件好事。” 融身体活动和冥想为一体的瑜伽已成为风靡全世界的一种主流健身形式,拥有数百万的爱好者。 网友评论
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