美国乡村音乐大奖揭晓 凯莉蝉联年度艺人

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年04月21日 10:20   中国日报网-英语点津

  Carrie Underwood has made history after becoming the first female artist to win entertainer of the year at the Academy of Country Music Awards twice。

  The former American Idol winner, 27, who last picked up the award in 2009, also won a special triple crown prize。

  The honor signals that she has won the female vocalist, entertainer of the year and newcomer prizes in her career。

  Trio Lady Antebellum were given five awards while Taylor Swift went home empty-handed, despite five nominations。

  Underwood was up against Swift and other artists including Kenny Chesney, Keith Urban and Brad Paisley。

  "I think I just got make-up all over Brad Paisley," Underwood said as she accepted her entertainer of the year award from the star。

  "Thank you God. Praise the Lord."

  Lady Antebellum, whose latest album Need You Now was number one in the main US Billboard 200 album chart, won awards including best vocal group, bringing an end to Rascal Flatts' seven-year run as the winner in that category。

  They also won best song and single of the year for crossover hit Need You Now which reached number two in the US singles chart。

  Singer Charles Kelley said: "It's just wild, man。

  "You never know where a song can take you and tonight is probably the pinnacle of our career."

  Singer Miranda Lambert won three awards, including best female vocalist, at the expense of Underwood。










  “战前女神”组合成员查尔斯•凯利说: “这真是太疯狂了。”




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