流行新词:小心“偷情短信”惹出大麻烦今年奥斯卡颁奖礼结束不久,老虎•伍兹的绯闻事件还没有完全淡去,新锐影后的丈夫又爆出偷情丑闻,顿时惹得人们竞相探听。与此同时,一个跟他们息息相关的词也应运而生了,这个词就是chexting(偷情短信)。 You might like texting, frown upon sexting, but now comes "chexting"-- cheating via texting-- and it can lead to big trouble。 你可能喜欢发短信,会厌恶性短信,不过现在又有了“偷情短信”,即“通过短信偷情”,而且这种短信会惹出大麻烦哦。 Golf superstar Tiger Woods and TV celebrity Jesse James have seen their lives unravel amid revelations of cheating on their spouses, in part by arranging liaisons via text messages. They are called “chexters”, cheaters that send sexy messages to someone other than their significant other。 高尔夫巨星老虎•伍兹和电视明星杰西•詹姆斯就是因为发短信跟情人联络而导致偷情之事曝光,家庭生活受到很大影响。像这样行为的人就被称为“chexter”,也就是给自己另一半以外的人发送性短信的偷情者。
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