
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年04月21日 13:22   环球时报

  The youngest killer in history Jon Venables has been given a luxury prison cell fitted out with widescreen TV, video games, guitar and gym equipment. Prison officials fear the 27-year-old is depressed and suicidal。

  He and Robert Thompson were both aged ten when they abducted and murdered two-year-old James in Merseyside in February 1993. The pair were controversially released from custody in 2001 but in February this year it emerged that Venables, now 27 and living under a new identity, had been 'recalled to custody' for alleged breaches of his parole licence over child porn。

  Concerns about his mental state has prompted officials to deck out his cell with entertainment. As well as a TV, gym and Nintendo GameCube, Venables has been provided with a music system and a guitar. It was claimed that Venables enjoyed listening to rock music, before attempting to strum the tunes on a guitar he was given from wardens。

  A decision on whether to charge Venables with child porn offences will be made within weeks. the case could be the subject of unprecedented reporting restrictions to protect his new identity。

  据英国《每日邮报》19日报道,英国史上最年轻的儿童杀人犯乔恩·维纳布尔斯(Jon Venables)的豪华监狱于近日遭到曝光,这个冷血杀手的监狱里竟然设有宽频电视、视频游戏、吉他、音响系统以及个人健身房。监狱管理人员对此表示,此举是由于发现乔恩的精神状态不断恶化,为防止其自杀才给的“特殊待遇”。





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