
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年04月22日 14:37   沪江英语

  A British woman has suddenly started speaking with a Chinese accent after suffering a severe migraine。


  Sarah Colwill believes she has Foreign Accent Syndrome (FAS) which has caused her distinctive West Country drawl to be replaced with a Chinese twang, even though she has never even visited the country。

  Sarah Colwill认为自己得了“外国口音综合症”,这就是为什么她原本典型的西方拉长调子讲话的腔调,变成了中国人的鼻音(纳闷:中文的鼻音很明显吗?),而且她之前从未去过中国。

  The 35-year-old from Plymouth, south-west England, is now undergoing speech therapy following an acute form of migraine last month which reportedly left her with a form of brain damage。

  Sarah Colwill上个月刚刚治愈自己的偏头痛,可能治疗过程造成脑部某些地方受损。

  'I moved to Plymouth when I was 18 months old so I have always spoken like a local. But following one attack, an ambulance crew arrived and they said I definitely sounded Chinese,' she said。


  'I spoke to my stepdaughter on the phone from hospital and she didn't recognise who I was. She said I sounded Chinese. Since then, I have had my friends hanging up on me because they think I'm a hoax caller.'


  FAS has been documented around the world and is usually linked to a stroke or traumatic brain injury. It was first recorded in the early 20th century and there are thought to be only a couple of dozen sufferers around the world。



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