世界奇观:美国加州惊现“火瀑布” (图)火瀑布
These amazing images were taken at Horsetail Falls in Yosemite National Park, California by wildlife photographer Penny Adams. For just a few days each year the sun sets over the falls creating a vivid red amber glow - leading it to be re-named Yosemite Firefall. Ironically Horsetail Falls was a real 'firefall' in the 1870s when a hotel proprietor began a night time show for visitors by pushing bark embers over the nearby Glacier Point Cliff, creating a waterfall of fire and sparks。 据《每日邮报》4月20日报道,野外女摄影师佩妮-亚当斯在美国加利福尼亚州中部的约塞米蒂国家公园,拍摄到了一组“马尾瀑布”令人惊奇的画面。瀑布像一股炽热的火山岩浆从山顶直泻而下,奔腾而壮观,实际上这是“夕阳落在瀑布上“形成的自然景象。据了解,每年的一些天里,夕阳都会刚好从在这里的瀑布位置落下。正因为如此,该瀑布被人们冠以“约塞米蒂火瀑布”。实际上,“马尾瀑布”在19世纪70年代确实有过“火瀑布”的经历。那时,一名酒店业主为欢迎游客,将大量火苗抛下悬崖,造成了“火山瀑布”。 平日里的“马尾瀑布”
Horsetail Falls is a waterfall in the Sierra Nevada mountain range, to the west of Lake Tahoe. It falls in stages for nearly 500 feet。 “马尾瀑布”位于内华达山脉,在太浩湖以西,水流从近500英尺高度倾泻而下。布”景观。 网友评论
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