众名人参加环保拍卖 响应世界地球日(图)

http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年04月23日 10:58   中国日报网-英语点津
众名人参加环保拍卖 响应世界地球日
众名人参加环保拍卖 响应世界地球日

  Artists, conservationists, business leaders and film and music stars from around the globe are marking the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day with a Green Auction to benefit the environment。

  Organizers of the live auction on Thursday at Christie's, and a companion silent online sale and related events, known as "A Bid to Save the Earth," expect to raise millions for four nonprofit environmental groups。

  Artists Jenny Holzer, Damien Hirst, and Alan Sonfist have donated major works for the sale. Jeff Koons will provide a studio visit to the highest bidder and Annie Leibovitz has donated signed copies of her book。

  Bidders can also vie for tennis lessons with John McEnroe, an afternoon in Central Park with Candice Bergen, dinner and the theater with actress Sigourney Weaver or a day on the set with Australian star Hugh Jackman。

  Jewelry, watches and luxury green travel packages round out the items up for grabs at Thursday's auction。

  "It's an unprecedented collaboration," said Susan Cohn Rockefeller, who is co-chair of the auction with husband David Rockefeller Jr., a philanthropist and environmental activist。

  With participation from quarters as far-reaching as Deutsche Bank, NBC Universal and retailers Target and Barneys, officials said the event reflected increasing understanding that business concerns are closely tied to environmental issues, and that two need not be opposing forces。

  "We're building bridges with different communities," said Peter Lehner, executive director of the international environmental advocacy group National Resources Defense Counsel, which will benefit from the event。

  He added that his group has been working closely with such nontraditional environmental allies as manufacturers and labor unions。

  Text happy tweeters are encouraged to text GOGREEN to phone number 20222 for a $10 donation, while both Twitter (Bid2SaveEarth) and Facebook (ABidToSaveTheEarth)are linked to the auction。



  (美国艺术家)珍妮•霍尔泽、达米恩• 赫斯特和艾伦•森菲斯特为此次拍卖捐出了名作;(艺术家)杰夫•昆斯将邀请中标者去他的工作室参观;(摄影师)安妮•莱柏维兹则捐出了自己的签名书。









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