健康减肥:单一饮食不如增强自制力各种美味的食物对我们真的是种抵挡不住的诱惑,在不知不觉中就吃得过多了,肥胖也悄然降临到了自己的身上。饮食单一一点的确可以帮助我们减小胃口,但是为了防止营养不良,专家建议还是保持饮食多样性为妙。 Studies suggest that when we eat a variety of foods, we are less likely to get bored. But therefore we are more likely to eat more. That might contribute to the current obesity problem in America–people like the taste of different foods and keep eating even after they have had enough. So eating meals with foods that are similar in taste, color, and shape could help you eat less。 有研究表明,保证饮食多样性,我们就不大会厌食。但是,这样的话,我们可能就会吃的更多。这可能是造成目前美国的肥胖问题的原因之一-人们在各种不同的美味的诱惑下,饱了之后依然继续吃。因此,吃色、香、味相近的食物能让你吃的更少。 Research shows that eating a variety of foods is the best way to get all the nutrients we need. And food is supposed to be enjoyed, not just tolerated. So go ahead and enjoy your buffet…just be careful to take small portions. Fill your plate only as much as you would normally. Then eat slowly and savor each interesting taste! 研究显示,保持饮食多样性是获取身体所需营养的最好方法。并且,食物是用来享受的,不是用来看着忍受的。所以,去享受你的自助餐吧。只是要注意少吃点儿,正常情况下吃多少,盘子里就盛多少。然后,细嚼慢咽,品尝各种美妙的味道吧! Notes: variety: 多样化 obesity:肥胖 nutrient:营养物 buffet:自助餐 网友评论
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