
http://www.sina.com.cn   2010年04月23日 12:24   沪江英语



  Three American authors have been named to the shortlist for the Orange Prize for fiction, the British honor awarded annually for a novel written by a woman in English。


  The finalists this year include Barbara Kingsolver for “The Lacuna,” Attica Locke for “Black Water Rising” and Lorrie Moore for “A Gate at the Stairs。” Ms. Locke is a first-time novelist。

  这三位候选人分别是Barbara Kingsolver,提名作品为《空隙》;Attica Locke,提名作品为《暗流》,是她的处女作;Lorrie Moore,提名作品为《楼梯口的门》。

  The list also includes the much-garlanded Hilary Mantel, for “Wolf Hall,” which has already won the Man Booker Prize and the National Book Critics Circle Award for fiction。

  候选名单中还包括备受好评的Hilary Mantel,提名作品为《狼宅》。她已经凭这部作品赢得了布克奖和美国国家书评奖。

  Rounding out the list of finalists are the British writer Rosie Alison for “The Very Thought of You,” and Monique Roffey, who was born in Trinidad, for “The White Woman on the Green Bicycle。” The winner will be announced on June 9 in London. The prize comes with a check for about $46,000 and a bronze statue called a Bessie。

  名单中的其他作品包括英国作家Rosie Alison的《想到你》,《骑绿色自行车的女人》,作者是出生在特立尼达岛的Monique Roffey。最终结果将于6月9日在伦敦宣布,奖金有46,000英镑,优胜者还将获得一个铜质奖杯,是一个被称为Bessie的雕塑。


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